The Real Story Behind Tuchel’s Dismissal: Sports Directors Blameless, Bayern Bigwigs Implicated

The sports director and sports director had nothing to do with Tuchel’s dismissal, the newspaper reports. After all, Eberl wasn’t there yet and Freund was still very quiet. The bosses who made the decision are now said to have had difficulty viewing it as a mistake in retrospect.

Tuchel was not given the feeling that they were trying to look after him, but rather that he should be happy to have this chance at all. Ultimately, it was probably Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge who prevented the new deal with the Bayern coach.

After the next rejection, the circle of coaching alternatives continues to thin out. As was the case a few days ago, it is now completely unclear in which direction the story will develop.

2024-05-17 17:06:00
#Uli #Hoeneß #KarlHeinz #Rummenigge #cancel #deal #Thomas #Tuchel


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