Tigres Blancos summons a basketball try out at the IMM Plantel Centro

With the purpose of observing the performance of young basketball players and for them to test their skills to be candidates to belong to the White Tigers, the Instituto Mexicano Madero Plantel Centro calls a try out.
The field of tests, for the male branch and category 2006, 2007 and 2008, will take place in the field located in the parking lot of the IMM Plantel Centro, this days December 16 and 17, starting at 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m., respectively. The coach assigned to supervise this try out is Jair Ureña Madrid, a coach with extensive experience and experience with the White Tigers.
On the other hand, with regard to the men’s branch and the 2008, 2009 and 2010 category, the try out will take place on Saturday, December 17 at 11:00 a.m., in the same way in the parking lot of the Campus Centro. This try out will be in charge of coach Eder Mora Rivera, the coach who directs the Juvenil A team.
América Sánchez Velázquez, Sports Coordinator of the Instituto Mexicano Madero Plantel Centro released some details regarding the last basketball try out of 2022.
“We are a great institution and we have a long history, both academically and in sports. We are a benchmark in both areas and this try out is a good opportunity for young people to come to our institution and look for a place with our White Tigers, who, as is well known, have a tradition and are a winning team, with many championships. and national subchampionships”.
Studying at a prestigious institution such as the IMM Plantel Centro and playing in renowned tournaments such as the one endorsed by the National Student Sports Commission for Private Institutions is a great opportunity for those attending this try out, as mentioned by América Sánchez Velázquez. .
“We participate in Conadeip and just in the Youth A category we are in the knockout stage with a few games to play. What makes us different from the White Tigers is that more than a team we are a family and always competitive in academics and sports. Our objective is to project the talent of our students so that they continue their studies along with practicing sports”.


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