Zverev Set to Face Jarry or Paul in Rome Final after Hard-Fought Victory

Zverev will face Tabilo’s compatriot Nicolas Jarry or the American Tommy Paul in the final on Sunday. Zverev’s last tournament victory was last September, when he celebrated his 21st title on the tour in Chengdu, China. The fifth in the world rankings last won a Masters in 2021; he triumphed for the first and only time in Rome in 2017. For the third time he is in the final in the Eternal City, for the eleventh time at Masters level – as many times as Boris Becker.

“He played the first set much better. He took the racket out of my hand. I’m glad that I just ran with the score in the third set,” said Zverev on the Sky microphone: “It’s a match, where you can actually only lose. It’s not easy mentally. But I’ve been in situations like this many times, I know what to do.” Zverev is confident about the final: “If I play my game, I know that I have a good chance.”

2024-05-17 16:30:00
#Tennis #Alexander #Zverev #final #Masters #Rome


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