Sachsenhausen: A Small Suburb Gains Popularity as a Party Hotspot

Sachsenhausen? The popularity of Giengen’s smallest suburb, with just under 250 residents, as a party hotspot may have been gained by some residents in the region through a visit to the village spring. In this respect, the organizational team and the helpers have again done the best advertising for the place in the past few days, but also for the festivals that are celebrated there.

Werner Bader from the organization team was unable to say on Monday afternoon whether the village spring, which started on Wednesday and ended on Sunday, was financially worthwhile. But one thing was certain: “We are very satisfied with the response. Everything went well.”

Around 5,000 guests were expected in advance. “That’s probably pretty much how it was,” says Bader. In previous editions, the opening evening was a real hit in terms of visitor numbers, as the Isartaler Hexen brought the atmosphere in the festival tent to a boil. However, the witches disbanded. This time the Almrockers were the icebreaker of the festive season in Sachsenhausen with their program “Full on the 12!” “We are not disappointed with the number of visitors, but compared to previous events the tent was not packed, but rather well filled,” said Bader.

Full marquee: positive surprise on Ascension Day

The response on Father’s Day was surprising: “That was the best-attended day at this year’s edition,” says the co-organizer. The helpers were very busy all day long, as the Oktoberfest atmosphere with fun around the tent was on the agenda.

But that wasn’t the only place where the team needed vigor: “Of course that took energy and substance. Some of them were in use for the village spring for ten days, counting from the time of construction. This is only possible if you have a positive attitude towards the matter. But that is not a given. We are very grateful to the helpers, including those from Hohenmemmingen and Hermaringen. It has once again shown what is possible when we get something going together. And if everyone joins in: from young people to pensioners. “That fills us with pride,” says Bader, who along with the others have set themselves the goal of successfully completing the dismantling by 8 p.m. on Monday evening.

The next edition is targeted for 2026

Then there’s a break – but not for too long: “Our concept worked and we’re pretty sure that we want to organize a village spring again in two years,” says Bader. Preparations would then have to begin in January of next year.

Party group in town since 1978

In 1978, a village festival was held in Sachsenhausen for the first time, which from then on took place every two years (alternating with Hohenmemmingen). At that time it still took place along Sachsenstrasse and there was no marquee.

When the Liederlust singing group and the local fire department celebrated their anniversary in 2009 and a marquee was set up for the occasion, they were encouraged to pursue this path for the village festival in the future. It has been taking place in the tent since 2012 and is a five-day event in the week in which Ascension Day (Father’s Day) is on the calendar. And it has been called “Village Spring Sachsenhausen” ever since. The Liederlust, the TTC and the members of the local fire department are primarily responsible, and the proceeds benefit the club’s work. After 2018, the village spring had to be canceled several times due to Corona.

2024-05-13 21:04:43
#Party #stronghold #Sachsenhausen #organizers #village #spring


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