Fortitudo Messina’s Sporting Director Contemplates Leaving Basketball After Disturbing Incident in Ribera

Fortitudo Messina took to the field in Ribera

Harsh stance taken by the sporting director of Fortitudo Messina Giuseppe Merrinoready to leave basketball after the events that occurred in Ribera and reported in a post on social media, which we report below.

The sporting director of Fortitudo Messina Giuseppe Merrino

“Unfortunately, if 19 and 20 year olds have to learn how to play basketball in Sicily for a basketball championship Promotion (replacing an Under 20 championship that never started) translates into traveling four and a half hours to be threatened, insulted, repeatedly hit by rolls of toilet paper and plastic bottles, receive insults of all kinds, including racist ones, see the own coaches and managers pulled by some troublemakers from the public, referees threatened and insulted without any kind of action being taken, I honestly am no longer interested in being part of it.

Congratulations to Ribera because the team, the coach, the management group and the huge part of the warm audience present at the municipal gym deserve to go to D, and certainly even higher. But we shouldn’t have found ourselves in that situation and the responsibilities can only and above all fall on the Regional Committee Fip Sicily. Luckily the Carabinieri arrived. Thanks for everything to everyone at Fortitudo Messina and above all to all the wonderful guys who have been part of it over the years. For me it ends here.” was founded in 2005 by Francesco Straface. Born from an offshoot of a portal created in 2002 to follow Pallacanestro Messina, a freshman in the men’s A1 series, it has always followed city football carefully, while giving space to many realities, even the lesser-known ones. It now represents a point of reference for city and provincial sportspeople

2024-05-23 19:20:34
#Unacceptable #climate #Ribera #stepping


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