German Basketball Champions Ratiopharm Ulm Face Early Playoff Exit After Another Defeat

Würzburg/Neu-Ulm (dpa) – Now things are getting very tight for the German basketball champions. Ratiopharm Ulm is threatened with an early exit in the quarter-finals after another defeat in the playoffs. “We now have our backs to the wall and have to show what kind of character we have and what kind of team we are,” said head coach Anton Gavel on Wednesday evening after the 79:82 defeat at the Würzburg Baskets. In the series in best-of-five mode, Ulm is behind 1:2. The season can therefore end on Friday (6.30 p.m./Dyn).

“Overall today it wasn’t enough to win here. We also have to do a better job defensively, we made far too many mistakes,” criticized Gavel. The former top professional is saying goodbye to Ulm this summer and moving to the Bamberg Baskets as head coach, followed by Ty Harrelson.

At times, Würzburg had fallen into “panic mode,” said Gavel. Ulm, who finished fourth in the main round, went into the quarterfinals as favorites, but lost their first home game. Würzburg’s top scorer Otis Livingston is still missing from the rival team due to a torn medial ligament.

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2024-05-23 08:26:50
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