Looking for a new bodybuilding challenge? Try to join the very select 500 club…

All sports have their own unique challenges. By bike, it can be about completing the distance of 100 km without getting off your mount or even covering 40 km in one hour of pedaling.

In running, there is no shortage of ways to challenge yourself, whether it is to complete 5 km in 20 minutes, 10 in less than 45 or 40 in less than 4 hours, for example.

And in bodybuilding? Well, if you are familiar with SBD, you may have already heard of the prestigious 500 club…

What is the 500 club?

Quite simply the fact of accumulating 500 kg of weight on the 3 main movements which are:

the squat, the bench press, the deadlift.

For example, the famous Anatoly who is rampant with his pranks on social networks can send 210 kg in squat, 145 kg in bench press and 290 kg in deadlift, more than enough to make him join the 500 kg club.

But make no mistake, for an average bodybuilding practitioner, winning your entry ticket is not easy!

And you, where are you located?

How difficult is it to get into this club?

If you live in the world of Instagram, you might tend to believe that it’s extremely easy!

Strength is a bodybuilding discipline that is on the rise and many young YouTubers are capable of lifting these massive loads.

We must also distinguish between absolute force and relative force. A 200 kilo squat is “not so heavy” for someone who already weighs 100, it’s a different story for someone who weighs 50…

As an example, I have below some ratios from our article: Strength training: Find out if you are stronger than average on these 3 fundamental exercises
“Norms” among men:

Novices Débutants Intermédiaires Avancés Élites Monstres Squat 20-60 kg 1.25* PDC 1.25-1.75* PDC 1.75-2.5* PDC 2.5-3* PDC >3* PDC Bench 20-40 kg 1* PDC 1-1.5* PDC 1.5-2* PDC 2-2.25* PDC >2.5* PDC Deadlift 20-60 kg 1.5* PDC 1.5-2.25* PDC 2 .25-3* PDC 3-3.5* PDC >3.5* PDC

Example, you are an advanced practitioner weighing 80 kg with:

a squat at 2 times your body weight, i.e. 160 kg, a bench at 1.5 times your body weight, i.e. 120 kg, a deadlift at 2.5 times your body weight, i.e. 200 kg.

So you have a total SBD of 480 kg, just outside the 500 club!

“Norms” among women:

Novices Débutants Intermédiaires Avancés Élites Monstres Squat 20-40 kg 0.5-1* PDC 1-1.5* PDC 1.5-1.75* PDC 1.75-2.25* PDC >2.25* PDC Bench 0-20 kg 0.5* PDC 0.5-0.75* PDC 0.75-1* PDC 1-1.25* PDC >1.25* PDC Deadlift 20-60 kg 0.5-1* PDC 1.25-1.75* PDC 1.75-2.25* PDC 2.25-3* PDC >3* PDC

Step 1: assess your current level

To begin, it is essential to know your current level in these three movements in order to know how far you are from your goal.

You must therefore evaluate your best weight on one maximum repetition (1RM).

To do this, you can:

Perform a 1RM test in each of the exercises, use your maximum over 3 to 5 repetitions and estimate your 1RM using a formula or an online calculator.

Read also: Bodybuilding: how to calculate your 1RM without having to go under the bar?

Note, however, that you will need to perform real 1RMs when trying to join the 500 club.

Good to know: Hugh Jackman became a member of the 1,000-pound Club at age 46 by performing a 355-pound squat, 235-pound bench press and 410-pound deadlift.

Step 2: set up a suitable training plan

Once you have assessed your initial level, the next step is to develop a specific and progressive training program that will allow you to increase your performance in the three key exercises.

To progress in the desired direction, you might as well work with the right methods, in this case, strength training rather than hypertrophy.

To do this, you can opt for one of the many strength training methods recognized for their effectiveness:

The important thing is to choose a method adapted to your level and your constraints, but also to stick to it over the long term in order to progress regularly and without injury.

Read also: Do ​​muscles make strength? Here’s the difference between strength and muscle mass and how to achieve both

Include additional exercises

In addition to the main strength exercises, it is important to include complementary exercises in your program that will help strengthen your muscles, technique and safety:

Back strength training (rowing, pull-ups, pull-ups, etc.), Shoulder development (lateral raises, military press, etc.), Strengthening the abdominals and lumbar girdle (core training, leg raises, etc.), Work on mobility and flexibility ( stretching, yoga…), …

Take a gradual and safe approach

To avoid injuries and give yourself every chance of achieving your goal, it is essential to respect certain rules:

Gradually increase the loads, Maintain impeccable technique in each exercise, Keep a reasonable number of sessions per week, Include recovery and deload phases regularly to avoid exhaustion and promote physical adaptation.

Step 3: Celebrate and share your successes

Finally, remember that it’s important to celebrate and share your successes as you progress toward your goal.

Join the 500 club is an achievement which deserves to be shared with your friends, your family, but also with the community of bodybuilding practitioners.

So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

Updated by Quentin on: 04/28/2024

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