The Unstoppable Rise of Marco Maddaloni: From Champion Judoka to Reality TV Star

A winner in life never stops being one. This seems to be the mantra of Marco Maddaloni, who entered the Big Brother house with a single objective.

The life of Marco Maddaloni: between sport and TV

Marco Maddaloni it’s a judoka known in the world of sports, as twice European champion, three times world champion and 7 times Italian champion. A highly respectable career, achieved with strength and sweat also thanks to the support of his family.

Younger son of Giovanni Maddaloni (technical teacher who raises talents) and Caterina Iuliano, he has a brother, Pino (also a judoka and Olympic gold medalist in Sydney 2000) and a sister, Laura, judo champion and wife of Clemente Russo. In short, it is not an exaggeration to say that the family grew up on bread and judo!

He therefore spent his childhood on the tatami, starting to collect medals at just 17 years old and ending his career in 2015 with the gold medal at the European Cup in Bratislava.

Success on television

Beautiful and sporty, with the arrival of the medals also comes the interest of television. In 2013 he participated in Beijing Express and wins it, while in 2019 he tries with L’Isola dei Famosi and wins! Marco’s beautiful soul makes him donate all the prize money to the Star Judo Club, his family’s sports center in Scampia: a gym that is much more, because it helps the kids to stay out of those distorted dynamics that engulf the little ones in the street. Maddaluno is married to Romina Giamminelli and together they have 3 children.

An ex-love in the house?

Before entering the Big Brother house, Marco let it slip that there is an ex-love of his inside. We don’t know who because Alfonso Signorini immediately shut his mouth but our ears pricked up.

Marco Maddaloni’s journey in the Big Brother house

As expected, Marco Maddaloni immediately integrated with the other competitors. The women “played” and danced with him in his bathrobe, which led Signorini to define him as the new sex symbol of the house, much to the (ironic) discomfort of the other men. Marco also started giving judo lessons and made new friends.

Precisely with one of these, Mirko Brunetti, he inadvertently triggered a controversy. They went into the garden under a single blanket, Maddaloni said to Mirko: “it’s not like you’re going to put it on me from behind now”, laughing. Mirko’s response was: “I’m not Vittorio”, as if to underline an alleged homosexuality.

Continue after the announcements…

Hundreds of negative comments poured onto social media for the sad homophobic phrase, which ended in nothing.

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2023-12-04 08:57:16
#Marco #Maddaloni #Big #Brother #win


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