Exciting NBA Action: Bulls’ Comeback, Holmgren’s Heroics, and More Surprising Results

Another round and other surprising results during the night NBA: the Chicago Bulls make an extraordinary comeback against the Miami Heat thanks to DeMar DeRozan. Lillard e Antetokounmpo they beat Luka Doncicwhile the Warriors lose again in overtime against the Thunder thanks to a great Chet Holmgren. Victory also for the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Knicks. The Memphis Grizzlies beat the San Antonio Spurs The animal: Jackson Jr. is decisive. Sunday evening at 9.00pm (Italian) then Brooklyn Nets-Philadelphia will be played, Toronto Raptors-Detroit Pistons at 10.00pm and Indiana Pacers-Orlando Magic at 11.00pm.

NBA, Chicago comes back from Miami. Holmgren decisive on the siren

Extraordinary comeback victory for the Chicago Bulls who were down 22-1 against the Miami Heat in the first 5 minutes of the first quarter. Then a fundamental recovery in the second half and a 102 to 97 victory. 23 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists for DeMar DeRozan. Nikola also did well Vucevic: 15 points and 8 rebounds. 14 points, 3 rebounds and 5 assists for Coby White. Great performance Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo e Duncan Robinson for the Miami Heat. 25 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists for number 22, 24 points, 10 rebounds and 5 assists for second and 17 points, 3 rebounds and 7 assists for number 55. However, the Warriors lose again against the Oklahoma City Thunder : decisive Chet Holmgren. The number 7 found the equalizing triple at the siren; then came the victory of the guests in overtime by 123 to 130. Steph Curry also returned to the pitch (25 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists) but the best was Andrew Wiggins (31 points and 3 assists) who made the +3 triple with 1 second left. For the Thunder extraordinary performance of GilgeousAlexander e Holmgren: 40 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists for the first, 36 points, 10 rebounds and 5 assists for the second (in addition to the great play at the end).

The Bucks win against Dallas, the Spurs lose: the results

There were also surprises in the other NBA results: despite a great game of LaMelo Ball (34 points, 5 rebounds and 9 assists), Charlotte loses against the New York Knicks. Brandon did well too Miller (29 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists) and Miles Bridges (19 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists). The Knicks, however, finish with 4 players with at least 15 points. 32 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists for Brunson. 25 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists for DiVincenzo, 21 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists for Randle and 15 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists for Barrett. Minnesota wins at home against the Pelicans by 120 to 121: 29 points from Karl-Anthony Towns and 23 per Edwards. 17 points, 11 rebounds and 1 assist for Rudy Gobert. Another good performance for the Pelicans Valanciun (26 points, 11 rebounds and 3 assists) and Brandon Ingram (30 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists). With an extraordinary Giannis Antetokounmpo (40 points, 15 rebounds and 7 assists), the Bucks win against Dallas. 132 to 125 the final result: good too Lillard with 27 points, 3 rebounds and 12 assists. His 39 points, 4 rebounds and 6 assists were not enough for the Mavericks Irving and 35 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists Doncic. Finally victory for the Grizzlies on the San Antonio Spurs field. Decisive Jackson Jr with 27 points and 5 rebounds. The home team’s 22 points are not enough Johnson and 19 with 13 rebounds and 4 assists from Victor The animal.

2023-11-19 17:44:39
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