Steph Curry Dominates with Viral Action on Dillon Brooks in Warriors’ Victory against Rockets

By Mathieu S. | NBA Editor

Despite a relatively close score, the Warriors won this Sunday evening against the Rockets. Steph Curry did the job, with the added bonus of a viral action on poor Dillon Brooks, who nevertheless considers himself one of the best defenders in the league. Fans have another opinion on the matter…

With Chris Paul on the bench for the first time in his career, the Warriors beat the Rockets this Sunday evening, with a final score of 106-95. Steve Kerr’s men provided the essentials, including 19 points at 7/12 shooting for Klay Thompson. CP3, in his new role, finished with 8 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds. But what we will especially remember from this part is the humiliation suffered by Dillon Brooks.

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The full-back, however, considers himself a formidable defender. This may be true most of the time, but we can tell you that Steph Curry made him dance in the final minutes of the fourth quarter. Brooks was fooled by his opponent’s dribbles, before being the victim of a fake shot. A very bad moment for him…

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Nothing is going right in this action for Brooks. And if Curry seems very happy with the result, he says he has no particular resentment against the former Grizzlies player. This is what he said about his opponent to journalists:

Steph Curry sur Dillon Brooks : “We know its history and its reputation. But I don’t worry about all that. I just play basketball. I let my game speak for me… There are a lot of stories about it. But at the end of the day, we just play. »

Steph Curry just plays and lets it be known with this magnificent action on Dillon Brooks. You can imagine that the rear is widely mocked, especially since he decided to assume his role as “villain”. Obviously not a problem for the Chef.

2023-10-30 06:50:00
#Dillon #Brooks #humiliated #middle #match #Steph #Curry #cash #let..


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