Chemnitz Niners Continue Dominance with Seventh Consecutive East Derby Win

Seventh win in the seventh East Derby in a row!

The Chemnitz Niners win 74:65 in the easyCredit Basketball Bundesliga – and remain the Syntainics MBC’s feared opponents!

Since promotion to the Bundesliga, Chemnitz have won all seven meetings between the two teams, which are only an hour and 15 minutes away from each other by car.

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However: for almost three quarters it looks like a mega surprise! The bottom team from Weißenfels dominates the hosts, who make far too many mistakes. It was only in the final spurt that the Niners secured their success. The fourth win of the season already. The MBC also loses the fifth game of the season.

It’s getting off to a slow start! The first points in the game only came after two minutes and 51 seconds. 2:0 for the Central German BC! Only after five minutes and ten seconds did the Niners get their first points! Classic false start for the hosts!

Chemnitz coach Rodrigo Pastore complains during the time-out: “Far too many dribbles, everyone wants to dribble, that’s not our game! Let’s play our game! Our game!” After the first quarter the score is 12:12. And even after the short break, the guests come in better: 12:17.

The big Niners problem: Twelve turnovers in the middle of the second quarter. Otherwise, Chemnitz had an average of 13.5 turnovers in all games – per game! The MBC goes into the halftime break with 33:31. The Niners start the third quarter with a 34:33 lead – before the MBC turns the tables again and runs away to 39:34.

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Then that! Towards the end of the third quarter, Chemnitz is ahead after a 16:2 run: 52:44. The hall is shaking!

In the fourth quarter, the Niners left no stone unturned and led 64:56 with just under five minutes to go.

MBC player Ralph Hounnou after the game at Dyn: “We played a good first half. But unfortunately we let up on defense and it wasn’t enough in the end. Respect to the Niners fans, the atmosphere was incredible. Our fans were great too! We put up a tough fight.”

Niners star DeAndre Lansdowne: “They fought the entire game, we had to give everything to win here. We haven’t given up! The fans helped us a lot.”

After the game, the Chemnitz players celebrate in the middle of the fan block!

2023-10-28 16:02:01
#Basketball #Chemnitz #Niners #beat #MBC #amazing #series #East #Derby #continues #Sports


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