Impressions of the Special Olympics National Summer Games in June 2022: An Overview of the Event

Impressions of the Special Olympics National Summer Games from June 2022. (Image: WeArePepper/Special Olympics/Urs Bucher)

After huge folklore festivals, the canton of Zug is already raising money for the next major event: the Special Olympics will take place in May 2026. Zug expects around 2,000 athletes with mental disabilities.

editorial staff

Isabelle Dahinden

14 sports on four days of competition: The Special Olympics will take place in Zug from May 28th to 31st, 2026. No fewer than almost 2,000 athletes compete in 16 sports – such as basketball, judo, horse riding, tennis and sailing. Anyone aged eight and over can take part. They are divided into different performance categories. An association has now been founded to plan and implement the event.

The Special Olympics have existed since 1968

What’s special about the Special Olympics: The athletes have a mental impairment – be it an intellectual disability, a learning disability or developmental disorders and behavioral problems. This event was founded in 1968 with the aim of creating an inclusive world – driven by the power of sport.

The Special Olympics was founded by a woman named Eunice Kennedy-Shriver – the sister of former US President John F. Kennedy. The gym teacher has been contacted by several mothers who have not been able to find summer camps for their mentally disabled children. That’s why Eunice Kennedy-Shriver took on the matter herself. She invited the kids to her home, to the local farm. What began as a holiday camp in the 1960s grew into the world’s largest sports movement for people with intellectual disabilities.

2000 athletes and 600 coaches expected

It was announced a year ago that the canton of Zug would be the venue for the biennial Special Olympics World Games in 2026. And so the next major event is in the starting blocks for Zug, after the Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival in 2019 and the Yodelling Festival this year (zentralplus reported).

“The city of Zug can make an important contribution to ensuring that people with intellectual disabilities can sustainably develop mentally and physically through sport […].»

The Zug City Council

In addition to around 2,000 athletes, around 600 coaches and 750 volunteers are expected at the Special Olympics in Zug. In addition to the sports competitions, there are also side events. “At all events, however, the focus should not be on commerce or the spectacle, but on the athletes and the creation of meeting places and positive experiences,” the Zug city council states in a recently published report and application.

The city of Zug is contributing almost half a million francs

Because the city of Zug plays an important role. The opening and closing ceremonies are expected to take place on Arenaplatz. The city is also the venue for the majority of sports competitions. “In this context, the city of Zug can make an important contribution so that people with intellectual disabilities can develop sustainably mentally and physically through sport and experience appreciation and recognition for their sporting achievements,” said the city council.

“Sport brings people together and contributes to leading a normal and self-determined life despite all the differences.”

Martin Pfister, Zug Health Director and OC President

That’s why he wants to spend a lot of money. The budget for the Special Olympics Summer Games in Zug amounts to a total of around four million francs. The canton of Zug has already pledged almost a million. The city of Zug wants to contribute a one-off financial contribution of 450,000 francs. That is more than the remaining municipalities in Zug, which were asked to contribute a total of 400,000 francs. All communities have already pledged their contributions.

The urban contribution appears relatively high in comparison. The Zug city council also writes this in its report and application. But it is understandable in view of the expected payments to the city of Zug, such as for the rent of the city’s sports facilities or the purchase of workshop services. With regard to the city of Zug’s share of around eleven percent of the Special Olympics budget, this contribution is “justified,” according to the executive.

Zug Health Director: “Important and sustainable contribution” to inclusion

Zug Health Director Martin Pfister acts as OC President for the Special Olympics National Summer Games in Zug. There is already great anticipation for him years before the event. He is convinced that the competitions will inspire the people of Zug. The athletes would do sport with “indescribable joy”. “It’s contagious for all of us.”

He hopes that the event will make an “important and lasting contribution” to the integration of people with disabilities. «Sport brings people together and contributes to leading a normal and self-determined life despite all the differences. This actually affects everyone.” The integration should be sustainable because the sports competitions are carried out in cooperation with local sports clubs – such as Zug 94, the Ennetsee Golf Club and the Zug Cavalry Club. This is how “sustainable bridges” are to be created.

What is Pfister most looking forward to? Here’s to the many encounters with the athletes over the next few years and the emotions that will accompany Zug over the four days of competition.

Sources used Report and application from the city council Website Written exchange with Martin Pfister, health director of the canton of Zug and OC president of the Special Olympics Summer Games in Zug


Isabelle Dahinden

Isabelle Dahinden writes about people, relationships and life. After studying social and communication sciences, she has been writing as a social editor for Zentralplus since December 2017. In 2021 she completed her MAZ diploma training and has been deputy editorial director since August 2023.

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2023-09-14 03:45:50
#Special #Olympics #major #event #coming #Zug


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