Zion Williamson’s Struggles with Diet and Commitment to Improvement

Zion Williamson always takes center stage, especially in this summer in which his name has insistently circulated among market rumors. After a season in which he played just 29 games — but which were enough for him to be called up to the All-Star Game, testifying to a rare talent — the former number one pick in the 2019 draft made a surprise appearance al podcast dell’ex NBA Gilbert Arenas, candidly admitting that she has trouble sticking to a diet. “It’s tough for me. I’m 20, 22 and have all the money in the world — or at least, you feel like you have all the money in the world. It’s hard. But I’ve gotten to a point where, because of certain things, I’m surrounding myself with wisdom. I don’t want to say about old people because otherwise they get offended, but I surround myself with people who keep me in line. And then we’ll see how it goes.” Williamson also admitted that he felt invincible in certain situations and that he was wrong on some occasions, having to take responsibility for him as coach Krzyzewski taught him at Duke: “There are many things I should have done better and I didn’t. But I’m trying to fix my mistakes”. One of them is a renewed interest in being in the best possible condition even in the off-season, saying to be inspired by LeBron James by following his example: “For me it’s more a question of flexibility, of working with rubber bands. It’s the kind of thing that will allow me to stay on the court longer rather than lose weight”. Playing, of all things, is the thing Williamson misses the most: “What people need to understand about me is that I just want to play, I want to be on the pitch. Nobody wants to stay out. Do you think I want to sit there on the sideline injured? It is not so”. To make sure you can do it, however, the work begins now.

2023-07-13 00:31:38
#Diet #hard #follow #LeBron


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