LIVE Summit Born in Vilnius, Giorgia Meloni and Biden also in Lithuania: latest live news

“The Vilnius summit marks the beginning of a new relationship with Ukraine. Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever before”. So the secretary general of the Alliance in a press conference with the Ukrainian president Zelensky.n

“It is important to say that the NATO-Ukraine Council is not only an instrument of participation, but it is also an instrument of integration. And it gives us the feeling that we will be part of the Alliance. I am sure that after the war Ukraine he will be in the @Nato. We will do everything for this”. Thus on Twitter the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.


In between meetings, Zelensky is busy holding meetings with Sunak and German Chancellor Scholz. Today also the meeting with US President Biden who reiterated “long-term commitments to Kiev”. After his speech at the University of Vilnius, the president himself then announced that he will evaluate the authorization to send longer-range missiles to Kiev than those sent so far. Press conference also by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: “Increasingly uncertain world, but allied unity confirmed”.


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“,”postId”:”c7f1a621-8aca-4a38-adb7-c14961dc65a3″}],”post”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T21:35:00.493Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 23:35:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina nella Nato, da vertice di Vilnius nessuna tempistica per l’ingresso: cosa sappiamo”,”content”:”

Kiev spinge per entrare nell’Alleanza ma per ora nel compromesso del comunicato finale del summit si legge che “l’invito” avverrà solo “quando le condizioni saranno raggiunte”. Ira di Zelensky: “L’incertezza è una debolezza. Assurdo non ci sia una data”. Ecco cosa sta succedendo

“,”postId”:”6cf16875-956f-4a14-aee8-21dee4941365″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T21:15:00.692Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 23:15:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Nato, cos’è l’articolo 5 sulla difesa collettiva e quando può essere attivato”,”content”:”

La clausola di difesa collettiva dei Paesi membri è contenuta nel Trattato istitutivo dell’Alleanza e recita: “Le Parti convengono che un attacco armato contro uno o più di loro in Europa o Nord America sarà considerato un attacco contro tutte le parti”. E un attacco rivolto a uno Stato Nato legittima qualsiasi azione considerata necessaria, “ivi compreso l’uso della forza armata, per ristabilire e mantenere la sicurezza nella regione dell’Atlantico settentrionale”. COSA SAPERE

“,”postId”:”c071ac91-9444-4979-8e82-b796db4e2695″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T20:55:00.522Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 22:55:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Nato, cosa è l’Alleanza Atlantica e quali sono i Paesi membri”,”content”:”

L’Organizzazione del Trattato dell’Atlantico del Nord è stata creata nel 1949 con il Patto Atlantico di “difesa collettiva” contro un attacco sovietico. Negli anni i Paesi membri sono diventati 31, con l’adesione della Finlandia ratificata ad aprile 2023. Un futuro allargamento con l’ingresso dell’Ucraina è stato una delle cause che ha scatenato il conflitto tra Kiev e Mosca. L’APPROFONDIMENTO

“,”postId”:”6cf13f0e-d27d-424a-84c3-8a4de8709f8c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T20:35:00.944Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 22:35:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Nato, Jens Stoltenberg confermato Segretario Generale fino al 2024″,”content”:”

Gli alleati hanno concordato di prorogare di un ulteriore anno il mandato del segretario, fino al primo ottobre 2024. La decisione sarà approvata dai capi di Stato e di governo della Nato al vertice di Vilnius. COSA SAPERE

“,”postId”:”d9ce8c8a-24bf-40f0-b82c-c8e48c848e4b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T20:10:00.363Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 22:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Accordo Svezia-Turchia per la Nato, cosa prevede: i punti salienti”,”content”:”

Dalla lotta al terrorismo, alle armi, fino al sostegno all’ingresso nell’Ue di Ankara. Alla vigilia del summit di Vilnius dell’alleanza atlantica, durante un incontro trilaterale promosso dal segretario generale Jens Stoltenberg è stata trovata l’intesa che ha portato alla rimozione del veto turco all’ingresso di Stoccolma nella Nato. Ecco i punti principali

“,”postId”:”01c5e148-9ee2-44c6-ad2d-36250d42f8f2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T19:45:00.476Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 21:45:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Nato, Stoltenberg: “Via libera da Erdogan per l’adesione della Svezia””,”content”:”

Il segretario generale dell’Alleanza, al termine dell’incontro trilaterale con i leader di Stoccolma e Ankara, ha annunciato questo “passo storico” spiegando che il presidente turco ha accettato di inoltrare il protocollo di adesione della Svezia alla Grande Assemblea Nazionale il prima possibile e garantirne la ratifica”. Come parte dell’accordo, la Svezia sosterrà ingresso di Ankara nell’Ue. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”4e30cc58-c315-414f-9877-43d52afa28ac”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T19:25:00.184Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 21:25:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Vertice Nato di Vilnius, Meloni incontra Erdogan: “Continua la cooperazione con l’Italia””,”content”:”

“Il mantenimento di una forte cooperazione tra i due Paesi, lo sviluppo delle relazioni economiche e questioni regionali sono state discusse durante l’incontro”, ha fatto sapere la presidenza della Repubblica di Ankara. (LEGGI L’ARTICOLO)

“,”postId”:”2493fa26-9eba-4b99-882e-112ea8c32bba”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T19:10:00.923Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 21:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Meloni a Riga: “Con Lettonia d’accordo su temi immigrazione””,”content”:”

La premier ha incontrato il primo ministro lettone Krisjanis Karins per un bilaterale in cui hanno parlato di migranti, Ucraina e  delle sfide economiche che deve affrontare l’Ue. Roma e Riga hanno  “posizioni identiche” sulla guerra – “sostegno totale a Kiev” – ed  entrambe auspicano che l’Europa “possa maggiormente investire sulla  propria sicurezza e difesa”. LEGGI QUI

“,”postId”:”781ad156-7342-4a9d-a265-f72b32da3e02″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T18:39:23.408Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 20:39:23+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden, valuterò missili a più lungo raggio per Kiev”,”content”:”

Joe Biden valuterà l’autorizzazione ad inviare a Kiev missili a più lungo raggio di quelli mandati finora. Lo ha detto lo stesso presidente ai reporter dopo il suo intervento all’università di Vilnius, come riferisce il pool al suo seguito. 

“,”postId”:”e4ac8765-3ff6-40cf-815d-6791d5217bed”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T17:50:00.364Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 19:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: “Non possiamo prosperare senza un’Europa sicura””,”content”:”

L’idea che gli Stati Uniti possano “prosperare senza un’Europa sicura” “non è ragionevole”. Lo ha dichiarato Joe Biden, a Vilnius, rivolto alla folla riunita per ascoltarlo davanti all’università della capitale lituana. “Dobbiamo unirci per proteggere i diritti e le libertà”, ha affermato il presidente americano.

“,”postId”:”d0725db7-6adc-46b7-b4ae-38c7af28eabc”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T17:18:55.706Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 19:18:55+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: “Non cederemo nel sostegno a Kiev, Putin ha sbagliato””,”content”:”

“Non cederemo” nel sostegno all’Ucraina, “Putin ha fatto una scommessa sbagliata che il supporto a Kiev sarebbe finito”, “difenderemo la libertà oggi, domani e per quanto serve”: lo ha detto Joe Biden parlando all’università di Vilnius dopo il vertice Nato.

“,”postId”:”cc8e546a-e605-42bb-b50f-980cae24a2bf”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T17:16:27.652Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 19:16:27+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: “Il mondo sia unito contro il cambiamento climatico””,”content”:”

“Il mondo deve stare unito per affrontare il cambiamento climatico”: lo ha detto Joe Biden parlando all’università di Vilnius dopo il vertice Nato. Il presidente ha sottolineato inoltre la necessità di “difendere le regole dell’ordine internazionale, la sovranità nazionale, la libertà di navigazione”.

“,”postId”:”f8e15eca-2eb9-460d-b490-bf01020eaddf”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T17:06:37.859Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 19:06:37+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: “Putin pensava di dividerci ma ha sbagliato””,”content”:”

“Putin pensava che la Nato e i leader occidentali si sarebbero divisi, ma si è sbagliato”: lo ha detto Joe Biden parlando all’universita’ di Vilnius dopo il vertice Nato.

“,”postId”:”019ccb84-012f-470e-b92c-3063fa1e51c6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T17:02:13.807Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 19:02:13+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: “Decenni di giogo Urss non hanno piegato Vilnius””,”content”:”

“Decenni di oppressione sovietica hanno dimostrato che non sono bastati ad affievolire la fiamma della libertà in Lituania”: lo ha detto Joe Biden parlando all’università di Vilnius dopo il vertice Nato. “Per voi questi giorni sono una resurrezione”, ha detto ad una affollata platea di studenti.

“,”postId”:”ee2de873-efe8-4da7-9101-a9af4715a376″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T16:43:26.593Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 18:43:26+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky, ‘incontro significativo con Biden a Vilnius'”,”content”:”

“Un incontro significativo e forte con il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joseph Biden a Vilnius”. Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky ha definito così su Telegram il colloquio avuto con il suo omologo americano in occasione del vertice Nato di Vilnius.  Zelensky ha parlato del dialogo avuto con Biden sulla “situazione in prima linea”, ma anche a proposito “dell’ulteriore cooperazione a lungo termine in materia di difesa” e dei “processi interni alla Russia alla luce dei recenti eventi”. Il presidente ucraino ha dichiarato di “apprezzare enormemente” che “gli Stati Uniti sono stati al fianco dell’Ucraina per tutta la durata della nostra difesa contro le aggressioni”. Per questo motivo, ha ringraziato “personalmente” il presidente Biden, il Congresso e il popolo americano “per l’assistenza di vitale importanza – militare, finanziaria, politica – fornita all’Ucraina dall’inizio dell’invasione su larga scala della Russia”. 

“,”postId”:”a0022f66-4b74-4bf6-836c-159f89fd703c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T16:34:03.862Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 18:34:03+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tajani, Kiev entrerà nella famiglia Nato”,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:” 18:33:14+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zelensky, ‘aiuti militari dipendono dal campo di battaglia’ “,”content”:”

L’Ucraina sa che gli aiuti militari occidentali dipenderanno dalla situazione sul campo di battaglia. Lo ha detto il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky al vertice Nato di Vilnius. 

“,”postId”:”84bfd31d-c36a-4c4b-84c1-2699be4f5673″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T16:10:24.971Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 18:10:24+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Riga tifa Ucraina, “con Kiev nella Nato tutti più sicuri””,”content”:”

Birre e aringhe sui tavolini ben prima dell’ora di pranzo. Sopra al locale sventola la bandiera dell’Ucraina. Riga, la capitale della Lettonia, tifa Kiev. Il centro storico brulica anche di lunedì mattina. In appena cento metri lungo una stradina lastricata di ciottoli il ‘paesaggio’ è vario:  ragazzi tatuati e anziani del posto, un gruppo di inglesi, una comitiva di spagnoli, una giovane dorme piegata su un cuscino. Vino rosso e cappuccino sui banconi dei pub. “Speriamo che l’Ucraina entri nella Nato”, dice Olga all’AGI, 30 anni originaria di Kiev ‘costretta’ ad emigrare in Germania dopo l’invasione della Russia e in visita ad alcuni amici lettoni. Anche tra gli abitanti della più grande città dei Paesi baltici il ‘coro’ è pressoché unanime: “con Kiev nell’Alleanza Atlantica ci sentiremmo tutti più sicuri”. 

“,”postId”:”9e9850c3-fc60-4c5e-b5f6-caee30ea0ae1″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T15:56:55.141Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 17:56:55+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:” Meloni”,”imgCredits”:”©IPA/Fotogramma”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Sunak e Meloni scherzano tra di loro durante il vertice di Vilnius”,”postId”:”ea064554-bcf5-4dc7-831e-70398dd7ce91″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-12T15:03:25.572Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-12 17:03:25+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Sunak da Vilnius, Kiev deve entrare nella Nato ed entrerà”,”content”:”

“Da questo vertice è emerso chiaramente che l’Ucraina deve essere un membro della Nato e che lo sarà”. Così Rishi Sunak nel suo briefing finale a Vilnius.  Il premier britannico ha quindi parlato del meeting come di “una pietra miliare” e ha evocato un’Alleanza Atlantica ora “più fiduciosa che mai”.  Ha infine ribadito il sostegno a lungo termine di Londra a Kiev, dopo “500 giorni di barbarie” russa, annunciando l’invio di ulteriori munizioni, di altri “70 veicoli da combattimento”, nonché l’apertura di un centro di riabilitazione per militari ucraini feriti e l’avvio dell’addestramento di piloti nel Regno dal “mese prossimo”. (

“,”postId”:”d7d04442-e688-4041-a3b0-2750935fab16″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”:”LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”,”liveblogId”:”26111201-3762-48a1-b198-aaf78337c0ad”,”tenant”:”tg24″,”page”:1}’>

“The Vilnius summit marks the beginning of a new relationship with Ukraine. Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever before”. Thus the secretary general of the Alliance in a press conference with the Ukrainian president Zelensky.

“It is important to say that the NATO-Ukraine Council is not only a tool for participation, but also a tool for integration. And it gives us the feeling that we will be part of the Alliance. I am sure that after the war Ukraine will be in the @Nato. We will do everything for this”. Thus on Twitter the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

In between meetings, Zelensky is busy holding meetings with Sunak and German Chancellor Scholz. Today also the meeting with US President Biden who reiterated “long-term commitments to Kiev”. After his speech at the University of Vilnius, the president himself then announced that he will evaluate the authorization to send longer-range missiles to Kiev than those sent so far. Press conference also by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: “An increasingly uncertain world, but allied unity confirmed”.

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1 minute ago

Ukraine in NATO, since the Vilnius summit no timing for entry: what do we know

Kiev is pushing to join the Alliance but for now the compromise of the final communiqué of the summit states that the “invitation” will only take place “when the conditions are met”. Wrath of Zelensky: “Uncertainty is a weakness. Absurd there is no date”. Here’s what’s happening

21 minutes ago

Nato, what is article 5 on collective defense and when it can be activated

The collective defense clause of the member countries is contained in the Treaty establishing the Alliance and reads: “The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America will be considered an attack against all parties”. attack aimed at a NATO state legitimizes any action considered necessary, “including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain security in the North Atlantic region”. WHAT TO KNOW

41 minutes ago

NATO, what is the Atlantic Alliance and what are the member countries

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 with the Atlantic Pact for “collective defense” against a Soviet attack. Over the years, there have been 31 member countries, with Finland’s accession ratified in April 2023. future enlargement with the entry of Ukraine was one of the causes that unleashed the conflict between Kiev and Moscow. THE DEEPENING


Born, Jens Stoltenberg confirmed Secretary General until 2024

The allies have agreed to extend the secretary’s mandate by a further year, until 1 October 2024. The decision will be approved by the heads of state and government of NATO at the Vilnius summit. WHAT TO KNOW


Sweden-Turkey agreement for NATO, what it provides: the salient points

From the fight against terrorism, to arms, to support for Ankara’s entry into the EU. On the eve of the Vilnius summit of the Atlantic alliance, an agreement was reached during a trilateral meeting promoted by the secretary general Jens Stoltenberg which led to the removal of the Turkish veto on Stockholm’s entry into NATO. Here are the main points


Born, Stoltenberg: “Green light from Erdogan for Sweden’s accession”

The secretary general of the Alliance, at the end of the trilateral meeting with the leaders of Stockholm and Ankara, announced this “historic step” explaining that the Turkish president has agreed to forward Sweden’s accession protocol to the Grand National Assembly as soon as possible and ensure its ratification”. As part of the deal, Sweden will support Ankara’s entry into the EU. READ THE ARTICLE


NATO summit in Vilnius, Meloni meets Erdogan: “Cooperation with Italy continues”

“The maintenance of strong cooperation between the two countries, the development of economic relations and regional issues were discussed during the meeting”, said the presidency of the Republic of Ankara. (READ THE ARTICLE)


Meloni in Riga: “Agree with Latvia on immigration issues”

The premier met Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins for a bilateral meeting in which they spoke about migrants, Ukraine and the economic challenges facing the EU. Rome and Riga have “identical positions” on the war – “total support for Kiev” – and both hope that Europe “can invest more in its own security and defence”. READ HERE


Biden, I will evaluate longer-range missiles for Kiev

Joe Biden will evaluate the authorization to send longer-range missiles to Kiev than those sent so far. The president himself told reporters after his speech at the University of Vilnius, as reported by the pool following him.


Biden: ‘We cannot prosper without a secure Europe’

The idea that the United States can “thrive without a secure Europe” “is not reasonable”. This was stated by Joe Biden, in Vilnius, addressing the crowd gathered to listen to him in front of the university of the Lithuanian capital. “We must unite to protect rights and freedoms,” said the American president.


Biden: “We will not give up our support for Kiev, Putin made a mistake”

“We will not give up” in support for Ukraine, “Putin made a wrong bet that support for Kiev would end”, “we will defend freedom today, tomorrow and for as long as it takes”: Joe Biden said speaking at Vilnius University after the NATO summit.


Biden: “The world is united against climate change”

“The world must stand together to face climate change”: said Joe Biden speaking at the University of Vilnius after the NATO summit. The president also underlined the need to “defend the rules of international order, national sovereignty, freedom of navigation”.


Biden: “Putin thought he was dividing us but he was wrong”

“Putin thought that NATO and Western leaders would split, but he was wrong”: said Joe Biden speaking at the University of Vilnius after the NATO summit.


Biden: “Decades of USSR yoke have not broken Vilnius”

“Decades of Soviet oppression have shown that they were not enough to dim the flame of freedom in Lithuania”: said Joe Biden speaking at the University of Vilnius after the NATO summit. “For you these days are a resurrection,” he told a crowded audience of students.


Zelensky, ‘significant meeting with Biden in Vilnius’

“A meaningful and strong meeting with US President Joseph Biden in Vilnius”. The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky thus defined the conversation he had with his American counterpart on the occasion of the NATO summit in Vilnius on Telegram. Zelensky spoke of the dialogue he had with Biden on the “situation on the front line”, but also on “further long-term defense cooperation” and “Russian internal processes in light of recent events”. The Ukrainian president said he “tremendously appreciates” that “the United States has stood by Ukraine throughout our defense against aggression.” For that reason, he “personally” thanked President Biden, Congress, and the American people “for the vital assistance—military, financial, political—provided to Ukraine since the start of the large-scale invasion of Russia.” “.


Tajani, Kiev will join the Nato family


Zelensky, ‘military aid depends on the battlefield’

Ukraine knows that Western military aid will depend on the situation on the battlefield. This was stated by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky at the NATO summit in Vilnius.


Riga supports Ukraine, “with Kiev in NATO everyone is safer”

Beers and herring on the tables well before lunchtime. The flag of Ukraine flies above the restaurant. Riga, the capital of Latvia, supports Kiev. The historic center is also buzzing on a Monday morning. In just one hundred meters along a cobbled street, the ‘landscape’ is varied: tattooed boys and local elders, a group of Englishmen, a group of Spaniards, a young woman sleeping folded on a pillow. Red wine and cappuccino on pub counters. “Let’s hope that Ukraine joins NATO”, Olga told AGI, a 30-year-old from Kiev ‘forced’ to emigrate to Germany after the invasion of Russia and visiting some Latvian friends. Even among the inhabitants of the largest city in the Baltic countries the ‘chorus’ is almost unanimous: “with Kiev in the Atlantic Alliance we would all feel safer”.


Sunak and Meloni joke with each other during the Vilnius summit



Sunak from Vilnius, Kiev must join NATO and will join

“It became clear from this summit that Ukraine must and will be a member of NATO.” So Rishi Sunak in his final briefing in Vilnius. The British premier then spoke of the meeting as “a milestone” and evoked an Atlantic Alliance now “more confident than ever”. Finally, he reiterated London’s long-term support for Kiev, after “500 days of Russian barbarism”, announcing the shipment of more ammunition, another “70 combat vehicles”, as well as the opening of a military rehabilitation center injured Ukrainians and the start of pilot training in the Kingdom from “next month”. (

2023-07-12 20:24:17
#LIVE #Summit #Born #Vilnius #Giorgia #Meloni #Biden #Lithuania #latest #live #news


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