Karlos Vémola Reflects on Unexpected Loss and Patrik Kincl’s Surprising Reaction

Not only Karlos Vémola, but also Patrik Kincl allegedly had an inkling of how the match would turn out. According to the Terminator, he was very surprised by the result.

We are already two months away from the match and Karlos Vémola still feels a kind of bitter taste in his mouth. Although the duel did not develop according to his ideas, he and his whole team thought that the win was in their pocket. Before the judges’ verdict was reached, Patrik Kincl himself allegedly suspected the same, who was very pleasantly surprised by the subsequent result. The Terminator talked more about it in the series The Warrior’s Journey by Patrik Rytmus Vrbovský.

Have you ever felt desperation in a match?

The main question that started it all was whether Karlos ever felt despair during a match – in the sense that he couldn’t win it. The answer did not take long.

“I definitely felt it in some fights in the UFC where I knew I was losing. It was like no matter what you do, it leads nowhere and you just wait for the gong.

And I felt more desperation in my last match (with Patrik Kincle). But I felt that only afterwards because I was convinced that I was winning that match. And people who know me know that if I know I’m losing, I’ll go in there in the fourth, fifth round and I don’t care if Kincl knocks me out or not. After all, everyone is only interested in whether you won or lost. And it doesn’t matter if by submission, KO or points. A loss is a loss. And that then consumed me after that match, that we didn’t estimate it with the team and I went into the fourth and fifth rounds thinking that I was winning.

Even after the fight ended, I went to Kincle and said: ‘And the belt is in the pr…, see.’ And he accepted it. He himself thought he had lost. David Kozma, his best friend, said after the fourth round that it would be difficult for Patrik to turn it around. A few people saw it that way.

… I’m not mad at all that the refs gave it to Kincl, quite the contrary. I’ve been saying all my life that I have a beautiful sport, I don’t have to leave it to the judges, I’m not a figure skater, I can end it. I didn’t finish it. I lost because I didn’t finish the champion. My only regret is that I didn’t know it after the third or fourth round, because I would have flown in there and shown those people that I really had the heart and left everything there. I’d rather pee there… As referee Touš said after the match, unlike Kincl, I was ready to pee there. And because I thought I was leading, I didn’t leave everything there, which I regret.”

Patrik Kincl’s reaction

Since this statement by Karlos caused a proper commotion, it did not remain without a response. Patrik Kincl turned on Instagram and immediately responded to it.

“One would laugh at that, but I’ll bet my left egg that a few people will take this nonsense seriously and it will be in my comments and in the news… Something like the allegation of a made-up case, which Karel finally confessed to… Damn those blows in there was probably more going on in the match than we thought,” laughed Patrik Kincl.


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