Now it’s official: City Football Group officializes the purchase of 90% of the shares of Esporte Clube Bahia and promises advances


Investor wants to strengthen women’s and men’s teams from base formation to the professional team

Photo: Felipe Oliveira/ EC Bahia

As their fans have repeated so often in recent months, “Bahia is the world!”. Today, Tricolor de Aço celebrated the completion of the deal in which City Football Group (CFG), the majority capital company in the Emirates that owns Manchester City, acquired 90% of Sociedade Anônima de Futebol (SAF). The 10% of the shares continue to belong to the Squadron, now incorporated by Bahia SAF. Ferran Soriano, CEO of City Football Group, spoke about the news.

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“We celebrate the first day of an exciting new long-term relationship between Esporte Clube Bahia Bahia and City Football Group. I am honored to welcome a club with such a beautiful history and such a passionate following into our global family. Bahia’s heritage as a football team and its roots in the Bahian community are an incredible foundation for us to build something great together”, he said, who came to Salvador with CFG leaders.

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Guilherme Bellintani, president of Bahia, said it is an exciting new chapter: “We move forward with the support and energy of millions of fans and members, who unquestionably approved the adhesion of our Steel Squadron to the CFG. We will now be able to benefit from being part of the most experienced and ambitious football organization in the world, while strengthening our performance both on and off the pitch,” he said.

Photo: Felipe Oliveira/ EC Bahia

Now, with Bahia as the 13th club in City’s global network, a multi-year strategy will be developed and implemented to grow and strengthen the Club on and off the field, while preserving the team’s identity, history and central position in the local community. The partnership, according to the Board, will make Bahia work with the worldwide experience of the City Football Group, covering all aspects of the game and its business.

Priorities include: strengthening all football teams, from the beginners’ categories to the professional squad, involving men’s and women’s teams; bring CFG knowledge and technology to all levels of operation; invest in the grassroots division to develop future talent; achieve financial sustainability and place the main team consistently among the best in Serie A and qualify for continental competitions.

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2023-05-05 02:38:40
#official #City #Football #Group #officializes #purchase #shares #Esporte #Clube #Bahia #promises #advances


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