Scandal in Spain: Federico Valverde hit a Villarreal footballer in the Bernabéu parking lot

Federico Valverde and Alex Baena

An episode of violence has surprised Spanish football after Federico Valverde has attacked the soccer player Villarreal Alex Baena after the meeting that Real Madrid lost 3-2 in the Santiago Bernabeu before the yellow cast.

The main Spanish portals assure that the Uruguayan soccer player waited for the game to end and went to the stadium parking lot to hit the Spaniard. In addition, there were members of the police present and several employees of the Villarreal who managed to record the scene. At the moment it is unknown if there will be a complaint by the attacked player.

So far none of those involved has spoken about the issue, but the Spanish journalist Javier Herráez from sports carousel assured that Brothers provoked Valverde during the meeting with comments about your child. This made the Uruguayan angry and he went to look for him in the bus area: “Tell me now what you told me about my son in the field”, he yelled at her before the fight started.

In this Saturday’s match, which was a 3-2 victory for Villarrealthere were practically no crosses between the two footballers who coincided for nearly 20 minutes on the pitch, although apparently there was a dispute in the exit tunnel.

The Spanish media remember that they did meet in January, during a Copa del Rey match, when Real Madrid won 3-2. In that meeting they had a heated discussion after Baena accused him of simulating violations and complaining too much. precisely the newspaper Brand He contacted someone close to the Uruguayan who told him: “In the Copa del Rey match, Baena kicked Fede and told him: ‘Cry now that your son is not going to be born.’ That was there but today he said something similar to him and Fede warmed up. For this reason, he waited for him in the parking lot… and told him that ‘he didn’t mess with the family’ ”.

So far, official statements from Real Madrid have not been pronounced either, since such an action by the footballer could be punished with a disciplinary sanction from the institution itself.

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