Draw at De Benedetti: Piacenza Baseball wins Game 1

A draw that satisfies halfway between Piacenza Baseball and Avigliana. It was two tense and balanced races. THE red and white they deservedly win in the morning but in the afternoon they don’t have the strength to counterattack in the second part, the one in which the guests break the balance that had characterized the previous innings.

We are 1

Until the 4th inning the game says Avigliana. Nothing decisive as we are talking about a 2-1 gained in the 3rd that the red and white suffer as they are too fugitives to serve. In four bouts they can boast the only single from Chacon and consequently the guests don’t have to work miracles to hold the reins of the match. The hoped-for trend reversal begins to appear in the 5th minute with a single by Baraldo and a sacrifice sprint by Chacon which allows for the 2 points of overtaking (3-2). And it’s still at its best in the 6th minute when Piacenza, not at all intimidated by the 3-3 momentarily reached by the Piedmontese, becomes the protagonist of the best attack of the match: a single by Schiavoni, an overbearing triple by Cufrè and a punctual double by Loardi which yield a partial 6-3 which allows us to glimpse interesting prospects. And it will be like this because Marenghi’s men will control the match with authority until the epilogue, even allowing themselves the luxury of the seventh point generated by Perez’s sacrifice sprint.

AVIGLIANA 0-0-2-0-0-1-0-0-0 3

PIACENZA BASEBALL 0-0-1-0-2-3-1-0-X 7

Training: Chacon ss, Perez 2b, Schiavoni ed/es, Cufrè dh/lan, Gibson es (Loardi ed), Minoia ec, Calderon 1b(Capra), Gardenghi ric, Baraldo 3b. Pitchers: Loardi (rl5 bv4 bb2 k5 pgl2), Cufrè (rl4 bv5 bb0 k0 pgl1).

We are 2

Like in Alghero, Piacenza didn’t capitalize on match two against Avigliana and had to settle for a draw on the day that was still satisfying but didn’t contribute to the expected leap in quality. Avigliana is a tough team against which everyone will have problems and Marenghi’s team has to bite their hands for how they handled the second part of the match, the one in which there weren’t many points to recover after all. After five innings the score is still tied (4-4) and the balance is palpable. Piacenza has six hits on the score (a triple from Chacon stands out in 3rd) and Dall’Agnese on the mound is a guarantee. Things start to get complicated in the 6th minute when the guests score twice.

This is the moment in which the red and white line-up should respond in kind also because, after Dall’Agnese, the relief Molina immediately enters the match with authority, facilitating six consecutive outs (of which two personal ones at the plate). He gets a point in 7th place (6-5 with Schiavoni’s sprint) but it’s too little to climb a comeback that wouldn’t even have been impossible. Unfortunately in the last four assaults only four Piacentini arrive on base and round after round the hopes of overturning the score are becoming more and more feeble. Until 9th ​​when Avigliana, with the last two points, definitively secures a victory that allows him to leave De Benedetti with a positive balance.

AVIGLIANA 0-0-1-1-2-2-0-0-2 8

PIACENZA BASEBALL 1-0-2-0-1-0-1-0-0 5

Training: Chacon ss, Perez 2b (Marelli), Loardi ed, Cufrè dh, Schiavoni 3b/es, Minoia ec, Calderon 1b (Capra), Carsana es (Gardenghi ric), Baranliodo ric/3b. Pitchers: Dall’Agnese (rl6 bv10 bb1 k4 pgl3), Molina (rl2.1 bv2 bb0 k2 pgl2), Sanna L. (rl 0.2 bv0 bb2 k0 pgl0).


Milano 833 (6-5-1)

Piacenza 667 (6-4-2)

Catalan, Avigliana (6-3-3)

Ares 500 (6-3-3)

Fossano 333 (6-2-4)

Junior Parma 167 (6-1-5)

2023-04-30 20:01:30
#Draw #Benedetti #Piacenza #Baseball #wins #Game


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