why does Bernard Le Coq replace Roland Giraud in the film?

It is perhaps in old pots that we make the best soups, but it is in old stoves that we make good comedies! This Friday March 3, 2023 at 9:09 p.m., Canal+ is broadcasting The old stoves 2, good for the asylum. Four years after the first adapted part of the eponymous comic strip by Wilfrid Lupano and Paul Cauuet which had attracted more than a million spectators in theaters, we are happy to find Pierrot, Mimile and Antoine, a trio of very rock’n’roll grandpas. ‘roll. This trio is also reminiscent of the retirees of Red 2 who, in an admittedly more explosive register, have no desire to take it easy in an Ehpad.

Pierre Richard and Eddy Mitchell loyal to the post

In this second part, it is still Pierre Richard who lends his features to the character of Pierrot. “When a film has delighted you and you are offered to shoot the sequel with the same screenwriter, the same partners and the same director who also happens to be your friend and your theater director for thirty years , we can only be happy“, explains the actor in the press kit for the film. At his side, Eddy Mitchell did not hesitate for a single second before agreeing to play Mimile a second time.I had no trouble making the decision to embark on this new adventure of the Vieux Fourneaux. A role like that of Mimile, you can’t forget! I had loved everything about him: his impossible old slicked back look, his extravagance, his grumpy tone, his daisy sensitivity and his big heart like that. The prospect of putting on his costume again four years later made me dive back in without hesitation. And then the new scenario really made me laugh“, he says.

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Roland Giraud withdrew “with regret”

On the other hand, in the role of Antoine, we find a new kid, in the person of Bernard Le Coq. The one who played Jacques Beaumont for 26 years in the series A great family, joined the adventure to replace Roland Giraud. “I arrived on this shoot quite simply. One day, the producer Clément Miserez called me to ask me if I would eventually agree to take on a role that Roland Giraud had just declined for personal reasons.“, confided Bernard Le Coq, remaining rather vague on the causes of the absence of his predecessor. Christophe Duthuron, the director of the film, was a little more talkative on the subject, explaining that “Roland Giraud had to, with regret, forfeit for health reasons“. If they were of course saddened not to find their partner from the first part, Pierre Richard and Eddy Mitchell welcomed his replacement with open arms, forging a real relationship of friendship.

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find The old stoves 2, good for the asylum Friday March 3, 2023 at 9:09 p.m. on Canal+ and on MyCanal


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