Face to face with the actress Denise Tantucci: «I love Ancona. Thrillers? I like them a lot, it will be for my face» – Ancona News – CentroPagina

ANCONA – Film and TV actress with a passion for science: she is Denise Tantuccioriginally from Marina di Montemarciano, in the province of Ancona. Born under the sign of Pisces on March 14, 1997 (she is celebrating her birthday today), the general public appreciated her for her roles – among others – in ˈDon Matteoˈ, ˈA doctor in the familyˈ, ˈBraccialetti rossiˈ and ˈTry again prof! ˈ. Instead, she will be on the air tonight the latest installment of the fiction ˈSei donne – The mystery of Leilaˈ, directed by Vincenzo Marra. Here, alongside Maya Sansa, Alessio Vassallo and Isabella Ferrari, Tantucci plays Alessia, an athletic trainer: «Sport has been an important part of my life – she says – Before I practiced volleyball and badminton, but lately I have little free time. You know, choices have to be made and at the moment, rather than playing sports, I try to stay fit (laughs, ndr)».

Denise, what was the experience acting in a thriller?
“Well, it was an intense series. Shooting such a complicated mystery requires a particular level of attention from the actors and crew ».

In what sense?
«In the sense that there is a whole series of things said and unsaid, which make the viewer guess something, but which shouldn’t be revealed completely. In short, there is not the usual levity of comedies, but it is a reasoned preparation process».

How did you get on with Maya Sansa and Isabella Ferrari?
«I had so much fun, they were exceptional. But I shot most of the scenes with Simone Borrelli, who plays my boyfriend».

She was born in Fano, but grew up in the province of Ancona…
«Yes, in Marina di Montemarciano. I did elementary and middle school there and high school between Senigallia and Ancona».

And now?
«Now, I live in Rome, after a period spent in Milan».

Where did she graduate…
«Yes, I obtained the bachelor’s degree in physics and now I’m studying for the master’s degree in particle physics».

What if she wasn’t an actress?
«Perhaps, I would have continued my academic career with a doctorate».

A secret dream?

His legend?
«Valeria Golino, because I too, like her, would like a career of so many films that are always different from each other but incisive at the same time. Valeria is a woman I like, she inspires strength and sensitivity in me ».

Favorite place in Ancona?
«Piazza del Papa, which is actually called Piazza del Plebiscito. It’s a place that intrigues me, perhaps because to get there you have to find the right tunnel and path. It’s like it’s a point of arrival.”

And the city?
«I often go back to Ancona, it’s a town on a human scale where life is good and I like how the course is structured. Last time I came back? At Christmas, for the market. And then here are the cinemas, the theatre, weekend walks. At school, years ago, I think they told us that Ancona was a city (or a capital) with a number of inhabitants at the limit to be defined as such: this fact is curious».

Listen, next projects?
«There are several films that are due out and that I shot last year. There is, for example, a comedy, which will soon be released on Prime, which tells of a love dispute between brothers. And then other more demanding films, twisted psychological thrillers that will arrive at the cinema after visiting various festivals ».

In short, lately you and thrillers are on good terms…
«(Ride, ndr) I enjoy thrillers more. It will be because perhaps for some I have a face that is disturbing to the right point ».


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