In the three most important news of the day, Juanita Gómez tells you why Gerard Piqué is retiring from football

The rise of the dollar continues to be one of the most important news, with many factors affecting its behavior; however, one in particular is the one that allowed this Thursday, November 3, to reach $5,118. In addition, the statements once again by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez, gave something to talk about. What happened? Juanita Gómez tells it.

1. The behavior of the dollar

Although it is true that day after day the dollar continues to increase in price and national and international factors are what affect it, on this occasion the experts attribute it to the increase in interest rates of the United States, a measure adopted by the Federal Reserve that not only aims to contain inflation, but has an impact on the world economy.

It is then that the US financial entity raised its reference rate by 0.75 percentage points on November 2, now between 3.75 and 4.00%, its highest level since January 2008, indicating that the increases will continue , perhaps, on a more moderate scale.

2. Statements by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez

The head of this portfolio, in the Santander Regional Dialogues, reiterated that hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation were not going to end, a statement that had caused a stir weeks ago, so much so that President Gustavo Petro and the Minister of Finance, José Antonio Ocampo, they had to clarify the situation.

It is then that he sent a message of calm, assuring that the Government will lay the foundations for the energy transition, guaranteeing the reliability and stability of the energy system, sources of employment and economic resources from the sector.

“Let this be the opportunity to share our visions of Government and dismantle some of the myths that have been created for us. They have said that we want to end all mining and that is false,” said the head of the Mines and Energy portfolio.

Vélez Torres explained, with respect to mining, that the State had been criminalizing artisanal and small-scale miners, categorizing them as illegal, without any distinction compared to those who have dedicated themselves to the massive destruction of protected areas and water zones in the country. .

3. Pique retires

After the break between the Barranquilla singer Shakira and the Spanish soccer player Gerard Piqué was known, many have been the headlines in which the two have been involved. But this Thursday there was one in particular that surprised his followers: he is retiring from football.

“I have decided that it is time to close this circle”, starts Piqué’s message, followed by voices from the press questioning his contribution to Xavi Hernández’s team. “I have always said that after Barça there will be no other team and that is how it will be. This Saturday will be my last game at the Camp Nou”, he indicated.

Gerard Piqué will no longer be a Barcelona player after facing Almería on Saturday. The defender will leave a great legacy of titles both with the Catalans and with the Spanish teamwith which he became world champion in 2010. His decision has generated love and hate, evidence of this is the following tweet:

“Piqué was more afraid of wearing Shakira’s name on his chest than raising his career. Shakira already won here”posted a netizen.

“For weeks – months – many people have been talking about me. So far I haven’t said anything, but now I’m the one who wants to talk to you about myself,” says the message published through the social network.

It should be remembered that his media prominence increased due to the new relationship he has with the Spanish Clara Chía.


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