German women eliminated against Argentina

Nfter the bitter 4-2 shootout defeat in the World Cup semi-finals against Argentina, the German hockey women shed tears. But less than 19 hours after the shattered dream of the title, the team has to play again this Sunday (6.30 p.m.) in the match for third place against Australia in the Terrassa Olympic Stadium.

“It’s super disappointing right now, because we had Argentina where we wanted them to be,” said goalkeeper Julia Sonntag, who saved the EM runners-up with strong saves in the final phase of the 2-2 penalty shootout. “We have to regenerate quickly and tick that off, that’s the art now.”

“I’m so proud”

Germany played their best tournament game by far on Saturday evening and took the lead after just 28 seconds thanks to Hanna Granitzki’s penalty corner goal. Although the Olympic bronze medalist turned the game around in the first half, national coach Valentin Altenburg’s team continued to push forward and were rewarded in the third quarter with Charlotte Stapenhorst’s 2-2 equaliser.

“I’m incredibly proud. The girls kept going, it was a strong, stable and refreshing performance, everyone gave their personal best,” said Altenburg, who was equally disappointed about missing out on the first final since 1986. “We all have tears in our eyes and are sad together that it wasn’t enough.”

“Want to reward us with a medal”

Captain Nike Lorenz, who missed her penalty, said: “We wanted to defend 1A and then play straight forward, and we pushed that through to the last minute.” Not.

Cécile Pieper added: “We can be really proud of what we have achieved. Now we can still be sad and then all the energy will be focused on the game for third place. We want to reward ourselves with a medal.”

Opponent Australia had previously lost 1-0 to defending champions Netherlands, coached by former national coach Jamilon Mülders. “We will come back and play well again, today showed us where we need to be even better,” said Altenburg, whose women want to be on the World Cup podium again for the first time in 24 years.


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