The Jean-Rostand d’Argentan college team in Avignon at the French Excellence Championships

The badminton team of the Jean-Rostand d’Argentan college. (©Collège Jean-Rostand)

The team of badminton from middle School Jean Rostand d’argentanin L’Ornetraveled to Avignon, in the south of France, to dispute the French championships excellence, early June 2022.

“The team started the competition very well since they won their first match against the Reunion team.

She logically bows against the future semi-finalists and ranks 2e of his hen.

As in the round of 16 where the difference in level is felt against the seeded 3, Aire-sur-la-Lys, then against the team representing the academy of Besançon.

13e out of 27

On the second part of the competition, Rostand unfolds by chaining two victories and thus ranks 13e out of 27 teams.

“A big congratulations to all the players, and especially to Ninon and Salomé, non-specialists in the activity, who made it possible to achieve this beautiful course.

Congratulations also to Valentin, the young team official, who officiated during these two days in particularly difficult conditions (stifling temperature, standing all day)”.

Videos: currently on Actu

The team was made up of Ninon Gautier, Salomé Leray, Nina Lourghi, Antonin Bouillard, Paul Jacquette and Valentin Jacquette.


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