Miami Heat win top NBA game against Chicago Bulls

Miami (AP) – The Miami Heat have underpinned their ambitions this season with a clear victory in the NBA top game. The leaders of the Eastern Conference won 112:99 at home against the second-placed Chicago Bulls in the evening and increased their lead.

The fourth win for the Heat in a row was also the second loss in a row for the Bulls. Zach LaVine was the top scorer of the game with 22 points, but couldn’t prevent his Bulls from going bankrupt.

In the pursuit, defending champion Milwaukee Bucks scored 130-106 against the Charlotte Hornets. The Bucks are fourth ahead of the Cleveland Cavaliers, who lost their home game to the Minnesota Timberwolves 122-127.

Orlando Magic ohne Playoff-Chance

Of the teams still hoping for a spot in the playoffs, only the Toronto Raptors won, aside from the Western Conference Timberwolves. The Canadians got a 133:97 against the Brooklyn Nets, who continue to have difficulties without their stars and also had to do without coach Steve Nash, who was briefly on the NBA’s corona list.

The Orlando Magic around Berlin’s Franz and Moritz Wagner have no prospects of making the playoffs. The bottom of the Eastern Conference recorded the second win in a row with the 119:103 against the Indiana Pacers and were happy about the first game of Markelle Fultz after his cruciate ligament rupture more than a year ago. Franz Wagner ended the game with 15 points, two rebounds and three assists.

At the 118:105 of the Memphis Grizzlies, Ja Morant had a career high with 52 points. The surprise team moved closer to the Golden State Warriors, who are second in the Western Conference behind the Phoenix Suns.

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