English League Makes Actions to Support Ukraine, China Stops Premier League Broadcasts


Premier League logo.

BOLASPORT.COM – Broadcasting rights holders in China will not broadcast the Premier League party because of the Premier League’s plan to take action in solidarity with Ukraine.

Politically, China is in close contact with Russia, which is invading Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the Premier League said it “wholeheartedly rejects Russia’s actions” and will show solidarity with Ukraine.

“We call for peace and we are with everyone affected by (the war),” the Premier League said in a statement, quoted by BolaSport.com from BBC.com.

The Premier League authorities will also show their attitude through a number of forms of support for Ukraine in this weekend’s match.

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This includes the use of the captain’s armband in the colors of the Ukrainian flag (blue-yellow), while stadium screens will display the campaign ‘Football Stand Together’ on the same background.

When asked about China’s refusal to broadcast the match, the Premier League declined to comment.

The rights to broadcasting the Premier League in China have been held by iQiyi Sports since last year after the collapse of a deal with PPTV.


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