Felipe Reyes: “In the Cup any team can give you a surprise”

Madrid, Jan 31 (EFE).- Felipe Reyes, former Real Madrid basketball player and current club ambassador, highlighted the “great season” that Breogan is completing, rival in the whites’ debut in the Copa del Rey de Granada , and recalled that in this competition any team can give you a surprise.

“It’s a very difficult tournament, where any team can give you a surprise. Besides, Breogán is a recently promoted team, they’ll be very motivated, they’re having a great season. I think we have a very good team to be able to beat them but we’re going to have to be very concentrated”, he told the press before the gala of the Sports Press Association of Madrid (APDM), where his career was awarded.

He also analyzed how he has handled his retirement from professional basketball: “I thought it was going to cost me much more to see basketball from the other side but the truth is that I am happy. I think I have had a very long career not to miss the basketball. Now, enjoying the family and the team, being close to them as an ambassador”. EFE


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