Atlético was more but could not before a very weak San Lorenzo

At the start of the game, Atlético Tucumán was the absolute owner. He pressed the exit of San Lorenzo well and attacked fast, but he was not fine in the definition. Thus he wasted chances of Lotti, Bebe Acosta and Ciro Rius …

However, the Cyclone was improving a little with the passing of the minutes, it began to have more the ball and began to hurt. First he warned with a header from Di Santo and, minutes later, Uvita Fernández had the clearest when his shot crashed into Lucchetti’s left post.

The second half, CASLA punctured again, did not find possession of the ball and could not hurt on offense. The Dean, as at the beginning, continued to search, being more, but without clarity in the definition.

However, that little bit of the local team managed to make Sebastián Torrico figure, with several key covers, mainly one with his feet, which could be the winning goal for the Tucumanos.

To top it all, less than five minutes after entering, Julián Palacios hit the ground hard and was expelled. With one less, Montero’s team ended up taking care of their bow even more than they had already been doing …

Lazy game in Tucumán, low performances in San Lorenzo, little clarity in the final meters for Atlético and an unbeatable Torrico were the keys to a rather boring 0-0.



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