Trans community demands better indicators to create policies that protect them – El Sol de México

under the International Day of Trans Visibility, which is commemorated today, civil organizations called for the generation of official indicators on this sector, which are currently minimal, in order to generate public policies to improve their living conditions.

Rocío Suárez, general director of the Support Center for Trans AC Identities, He assured that in Mexico there are no indicators on schooling, employment, income, age groups and access to health services for trans people, which are available to other populations, which, he said, favors the partial recognition of their rights.

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According to the National Survey on Sexual and Gender Diversity (Endiseg) 2021, from Inegiof the five million people over the age of 15 who identify themselves as members of the LGBTI+ community, 909,000 are transgender or transsexual, that is, three out of 10, but it does not reveal more information, such as their health or education conditions, which confirmed the institute to this medium.

“It is necessary to build these indicators that can locate us, at the national level, which states are behind in the recognition of rights. Today, there are many transgender people who have a birth certificate recognizing their gender identity, but do not have the training to enter the workplace or do not have an academic profile, so they It is necessary to generate leveling policies so that they are able to join the workplaceSuarez said.

In interview with The Sun of Mexico, the activist reproached: “trans people are visible only by indicators of death and not of life.” According to Murdered Trans People ObservatoryMexico ranks second worldwide in murders of people from this community, with 51 cases in 2022, only below Brazil, which registered 77 homicides.

According to the National Diagnosis on Discrimination against LGBTI+ People in Mexico, prepared by the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims and Fundación Arcoíris in 2018, six out of 10 trans people have experienced bullying, harassment and employment discrimination; but not only that, members of this community have also faced unjustified dismissals, refusal to provide health services and a lack of laws that facilitate their living conditions.

Samantha Fritz, founder of Deuda Histórica, has two degrees, one in Anthropology and one in Sociology, but she did not practice because she was discriminated against due to her gender identity. She tried to enter the Women’s Secretariat of the capital, but they warned her that her boss would be a woman transphobic, for which he gave up. Today, at 66, he lacks social security: he did not have a formal job.

Ferrán Baños, a trans man and founder of the organization Existimos, in Hidalgo, went to a private doctor’s office in 2015, because when he injected testosterone, as part of his sex reassignment treatment, he had an abscess, but the doctor kicked him out of the place.

“(Knowing that I was trans) the doctor started with a speech about trans people being crazy and told me ‘I don’t know what you’re doing here, I’m not going to give you anything’ and took me out of his office. That day, under powerlessness, fear and anger, I did nothing, ”he recalled.

The National Diagnosis on Discrimination against LGBT people indicates that trans people receive more pejorative comments and discriminatory, with respect to the rest of the members of sexual diversity.

Lissette Mistral, a member of the organization Deuda Histórica, upon completing her degree in Public Accounting, entered the world of work as a trans womanas has been perceived since she was seven years old, although she only lasted a few months as an accounting assistant, because there was no openness to accept her gender identity.

“I had to be an escort to generate income and maintain a life, which my job could give me, since, as a girl, it was no longer easy to get a job,” she said.

The second survey of Sex Work, Rights and Non-Discrimination, from the Council to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination of Mexico City, establishes that 67.3 percent of trans women who perform sex work would be willing to leave this activity if the government granted them educational and economic support to open businesses; help for seniors who practice this trade or a formal job.

Faced with this reality, Rocío Suárez, whose organization seeks respect for the human rights of the trans community, considered it necessary to guarantee labor inclusion for these people.

Salma Luévano, one of the two trans deputies of the present Legislature in San Lázaro, has presented 17 initiatives on this population, one of them to recognize children; However, none have been approved, because, she accused her, her colleagues from Morena use double speech in this regard.

“This double discourse continues and that is why I have been giving that visibility, in which they have to support if we are the majority, but there is that simulation and that double discourse even of the name of this LXV Legislature (of gender parity, inclusion and diversity),” he said.

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Raise the rainbow quotas to constitutional rank, so that trans people and the LGBTI+ community have guaranteed access to candidacies; the criminalization of hate crimes and guaranteeing access to gender identity throughout the country are some of its initiatives.

For his part, Victoria Sámano, founder of the Lleca collective, agreed on the need to “retake the legislative processes, which had already been forgottensuch as the recognition of trans childhoods”.


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