The victim of a former French recruiter breaks the silence on his sexual assault

A 23-year-old man has returned to his sexual assault by the man who was his recruiter when he was only 11 years old.

For nearly 15 years, this young footballer kept this heavy burden to himself. Nicknamed “Guillaume” by RMC Sport so as not to reveal his identity, the 25-year-old man returned for the first time to the sexual assault he suffered when he was only 11 years old.

The story takes place between Auxerre and the Paris region. At the time, Guillaume traveled the roads of France alongside his future aggressor, “Ahmed G.” a recruiter who promises to open the doors of a training center for a French club. “During the two weeks in Auxerre, he was very close to me, he gave me hugs and kisses. It was a bit like my father, he could buy me whatever I wanted like sweets and crampons. tells RMC Sport Guillaume who suspects nothing.

Only, when returning to Paris, the recruiter makes the little boy understand that they are going to have to spend the night in a hotel because it is getting late. “He asked me to stay outside the hotel. On his return, he tells me that there is only one free room with a double bed. At that time, I do not suspect anything and I accept. When I go to sleep, that’s when it startsSays Guillaume, who describes the scene of his assault: “He climbed on top of me, he was rubbing against me. I was on my back and during this scene, he was saying sentences like ‘Don’t worry, you’re super strong, you’ll sign for Auxerre and I’ll take you to Nantes. Your parents will get big bonuses. During this time, he kisses me, this act will last 30 seconds.

If that evening the young man manages to push back his attacker, he will not tell his parents about it and will wait 13 years to free himself from this burden. After several years of investigation, 9 other players testify to similar facts in court. Today “Ahmed G.” serving an 18-year prison sentence, he is charged with “rape and sexual assault by person having authority over minors under 15, sexual proposals by electronic means” and “bribery of minors”.


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