This is Girona’s schedule

This is Girona’s schedule

LaLliga ha fet oficials aquesta tarda els horaris corresponents a la 14a jornada de Lliga en què el Girona rebrà la visita de l’Espanyol. El partit a Montilivi ha quedat fixat pel dissabte 23 de novembre a les 18.30 hores. El derbi català arribarà després de l’aturada de seleccions que hi haurà al novembre.

How can Sporting fans change the time of a match?

How can Sporting fans change the time of a match?

Can a Sporting de Gijón fan influence the appointment of a schedule? The answer is a yes with many nuances. The visit to the Sanse brings back to the present a fundamental problem such as the clash between the calendars and the interest of the fan. For a day in which a massive displacement to […]

Chile Super Cup 2022, Colo Colo vs. Catholic today via Free Soccer online in Concepción | Minute-by-minute transmission of the match, formation and latest news of the classic U Católica vs. Colo Colo | SPORT-TOTAL

In 10 minutes the game will resume. MATCH SUSPENDED MOMENTARILY DUE TO INCIDENTS 38′ The players leave the field of play. 35′ Match paralyzed due to confrontation between fans of Colo Colo and U Católica. Colo Colo was going to score a goal, however, Gabriel Costa took the ball off the line by mistake. 26′ […]