Introduction to Judo Back Throwing Techniques: Kneeling Techniques for Tall People

Introduction to Judo Back Throwing Techniques: Kneeling Techniques for Tall People


Introduction to Judo Back Throwing Techniques: Kneeling Techniques for Tall PeopleIntroduction to Judo Back Throwing Techniques: Kneeling Techniques for Tall People

Cast technique on the left

Figure 20-1 ① The opponent starts offensively with the upper right leg. In addition to quickly using his left hand to block the opponent’s right arm stretched out to grasp the breast, the attacker directly grasps the opponent’s left breast with his right hand.

Figure 20-② Use your left hand to block your opponent’s right arm and move your left leg forward at the same time. Place your left foot on the inside of your opponent’s right foot. Rotate your hip joints, bend your knees, and lower your body’s center of gravity.

Figure 20-③ Continue to quickly rotate the hip joint with the left foot as the axis. The lowered left arm is raised, and the left arm is directly inserted into the lower part of the opponent’s left arm, and the left shoulder is pressed against the opponent’s left shoulder, and the right hand firmly grasps the opponent’s left breast and pulls forward and downward.

Figure 20-④ While pulling the opponent’s chest with the right hand, the right foot has been inserted backwards in front of the opponent’s right foot, and the arm is pressed against the opponent’s abdomen. Note that you must absolutely control your opponent’s left shoulder joint at this time.

Figure 20-⑤ ⑥ Stretch your legs, raise your arms, lean your upper body forward to make the opponent’s body vacant, and throw it on the mat from the left side. At this time, the right hand still grasps the opponent’s left flap, and the left hand grasps the opponent’s right arm.

Introduction to Judo Back Throwing Techniques: Kneeling Techniques for Tall PeopleIntroduction to Judo Back Throwing Techniques: Kneeling Techniques for Tall People

Casting a technique when the opponent grabs the two breasts

Figure 21-① Both sides stand on the right natural body. The opponent is aggressive, grabbing the attacker’s double breasts with both hands.

Figure 21-② The attacking side grabs the upper sleeve of the opponent’s right arm with the left hand, and releases the right hand without grasping. At the moment when the opponent grabs the front, move your right leg forward and place your right foot in front of the inside of the opponent’s right foot. With the rotation, while extending the leg forward, insert the right arm under the opponent’s right arm.

[图21一③ 左脚向左后方背步,在继续向左转体的同时,左腿向后撤步,左脚插入与自己右脚平行站立的位置上。上体因为被对方抓住双襟而只能转动一半。在腰朝着对手腹部时,上体只能转到右肩部对着对手胸部的位置。用两臂的力量紧紧控制住对手的右肩关节,以弥补上体转动不到位的缺陷。此时,对手会以右臂力量往下按压攻方的右肩,以便借机抽出右臂。.能否控制住对手右肩是完成此技的关键。

图21一④ 猛地做屈膝反上体前倾的动作,使对手的重心突然向前移动,随后两臂用力向下拽其右肩关节,使其接近于腾空状态。

图21一⑤⑥ 随即蹬伸双腿,将对手背负起来,此时低头,上体前倾使对手从自己右肩前侧摔在垫子上,双手仍控制住对手的右臂。



图22一①② 双方以自然体开始交手,攻方利用对手向前迈右腿准备抓取的瞬间,快速向前迈出右腿,右脚落在对手右脚内侧前方,左手抓握对手的右臂并用力向左侧拽拉,使对手身体重心突然向右侧移动。此时,以右脚为轴转动髋关节,向对手进身,左腿也随转动向后插入。

[图22一③④⑤ 在转身的同时,攻方右臂迅速插入对手的右臂腋下,左肩用力下诟,右臂用力按压住,并完全控制住对手的右臂关节。为了更低于对手的身体重心,右腿牢固地跪撑在垫子上,形成完整的背负投的姿势。

图22一⑥⑦ 攻方上体快速前倾,两臂配合向下拽对手的右臂,使对手身体腾空顺着攻方右臂外侧摔倒在垫子上。

图22一⑧ 攻方在抓对手的右袖或右襟时,对手封堵了攻方的动作,攻方迅即用力拨开对手的左手,这个动作会导致对手反射性地向右侧退一步,在他退步的时候马上做转体进身动作。

图22一⑨ 攻方用力拽对手,使他尽可能地向前移动,并将他的右手紧紧控制在自己的胸前,攻方的手向内侧扣压,配合右臂至对手右腋下向上提拉,将他的右肩牢牢控制住。

图22一⑩ ⑪ ⑫










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