will challenge the winner between Cremonese and Catanzaro

Il Venezia also wins the return semi-final against Palermo e secures the pass for the playoff final of Serie B where they will face the winner between Cremonese and Catanzaro. At Penzo it ends 2-1 for the Venetians who get rid of the Sicilians without any particular problems.

Venice-Palermo 2-1: the match


Vanoli’s team starts strong despite the one-goal advantage they gained in the first leg and after 4 minutes they puncture Pigliacelli with a right-footed shot from outside Tessmann. A goal that immediately extinguished the Rosanero’s hopes, which only had one jolt, that of Segre who headed the ball and was stopped by Joronen’s sensational intervention. On the opposite side Pigliacelli exalted himself on Busio but the Sicilian defense conceded too much and in the end also conceded the second goal, that of Candela which at the end of the first half already puts an end to the challenge.

In the second half Mignani introduced fresh forces such as Di Francesco, Aurelio and subsequently Mancuso who took the place of the injured Brunori. Pohjanpalo does not shine as he comes out to the applause of his people. Not even the substitutions can straighten out a compromised game. The rosanero find the satisfaction of the goal with Chaka Traoré but only at minute 86 when there was little time left. Palermo ends its championship and says goodbye to its Serie A dreamjust caressed after the victory against Sampdoria. Venezia will go to play the playoff final to try to return to Serie A and will also have the factor of a double result in the double challenge, given the third place achieved in the regular season. They will play the first of the two away matches and the return leg at home.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#challenge #winner #Cremonese #Catanzaro


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