Uruguayan Judoka Mikael Aprahamian Continues His Olympic Qualification Journey

FútbolUy. Followed on Twitter @futbolportaluy

Judoka Mikael Aprahamian competed in the Abu Dhabi World Cup in the United Arab Emirates, one of the last tests in his career towards Olympic qualification for the Paris Games.

The Uruguayan participated in the category up to 81 kilograms where he fell in the first round with the British Lachlan Moorhead by ippon, not being able to access the next phase of the competition.

Likewise, our representative is placed in qualifying positions for the French event by continental quota through the ranking of the International Judo Federation, something important and that must be maintained until June 23, the date on which it will close.

“So far the results of the World Cup have been helping to maintain the quota, we have to wait for the new update that will be given this weekend, but I am very well positioned,” the 36-year-old athlete told FútbolUy.

After a tight and demanding schedule, Aprahamian now hopes not to have to compete again until the Games and to be able to dedicate that time to his specific preparation, but he clarified: “That will be determined by the ranking and the needs to add, so we have to wait a few days to decide.”

Our compatriot was already an Olympian in the Tokyo 2021 event, where he was defeated in the first round by Swede Robin Pacek in a gold point definition.

FútbolUy. Followed on Twitter @futbolportaluy

FútbolUy – Montevideo Portal

2024-05-22 19:38:30
#Mikael #Aprahamian #competed #Abu #Dhabi #World #Cup #excited #Paris


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