Toma Nikiforov Suffers Heartbreaking Defeat in World Cup Overtime Thriller

Toma Nikiforov delivered an absolutely titanic fight in the first round of the World Cup, in Abu Dhabi… Opposed to the Dutchman Catharina (26 years old/n°27) who had beaten him, during their only confrontation, at the Masters 2022, in Jerusalem, the Bruxellois gave in after a minute and a half in overtime. And yet, Toma seemed to be off to a good start in this face-off with the advantage of a waza-ari following a nice move. But the Dutchman fought back and equalized by returning the Belgian to the ground. Ippon, according to the central referee, corrected to waza-ari by the video attendants. Phew! The two judokas continued into overtime, where we felt that their form curve was reversed. And, following a good move from his opponent, Toma unfortunately gave in… Huge disappointment!

2024-05-23 11:48:25
#Judo #Toma #Nikiforov #lost #straight #World #Cup


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