The Power of Exercise: How Different Sports Can Impact Your Health and Wellness

Running, ball games, cycling and other sports can induce asthma, which is medically called exercise-induced asthma. Swimming, baseball, skiing and other sports can improve symptoms, especially swimming. The secret is that swimming will not be affected by rising temperatures. The high blood pressure reduces the moisture in the respiratory tract, and the horizontal movement during swimming reduces the burden on the respiratory tract, so it is conducive to the improvement of the condition.

High blood pressure: Suitable for walking, cycling, swimming and other exercises. These are dynamic isotonic exercises, which can cause the relaxation and contraction of blood vessels through repeated contraction of muscles throughout the body, thereby lowering blood pressure. The amount of exercise should be about 50% of the heart load, that is, the pulse should be kept at about 110 beats/min during exercise. Once a day, 30 to 60 minutes each time.

Heart disease: To improve heart function, healthy people should engage in greater amounts of exercise. The pulse rate during exercise must reach at least 135 beats/min and last for 15 minutes to be effective. If you already have heart disease, you should be cautious and choose the form and amount of exercise based on the degree of damage to your heart function. Generally speaking, patients with mild heart disease with first- and second-level cardiac insufficiency can engage in exercises such as walking, jogging, Tai Chi, and medical gymnastics. During exercise, the pulse rate is limited to about 104 to 120 beats/min; patients with third- and fourth-level cardiac insufficiency or Patients with frequent angina pectoris attacks should not engage in physical activities and should mainly rest. They can also do some protective light activities such as Qigong. The principle is to avoid increasing the heartbeat rate.

Diabetes: Clinicians report that many people with mild diabetes can recover as long as they insist on physical exercise and pay attention to diet control. Exercise starts with light activities and gradually increases the intensity of exercise, such as walking, rowing, and running. However, do not exercise after injecting insulin, before meals, or when you have angina pectoris to prevent hypoglycemia or aggravation of complications.

Obesity: Exercise such as walking, aerobics, swimming, and cycling can help lose weight. Take walking as an example. Start 45 minutes after a meal and continue for 20 minutes at a speed of 4.8 kilometers per hour. The effect will be achieved. If you add it again 2 to 3 hours after a meal (about 20 minutes), the effect will be better. As for obese children, the exercise intensity should be 50% of the maximum oxygen consumption (the pulse should be controlled at 75% of the maximum heart rate), one hour a day, five days a week, mainly long-distance running, combined with ball games, bouncing, etc., which is a method that children are happy to accept. good.

Urinary incontinence: 10% of women suffer from this unspeakable disease, and reasonable physical activities can help with recovery. You can choose a method to strengthen the pelvic muscles. The steps are: first do pelvic contraction for 10 seconds, relax for 10 seconds, and then do contraction for 10 seconds. Repeat this cycle and continue to do it 90 to 160 times a day.

Low sexual function: Both men and women can increase their sexual desire through exercise, making it easier to reach orgasm and thereby obtain sexual satisfaction. Generally, 45 minutes of exercise three times a week can achieve this goal. Excessive exercise can reduce sexual desire.

2024-05-02 11:25:37
#Fitness #exercises #vary #disease #Fuhe #Health


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