The Legacy of Didier Chaubet: Twenty Years as the Essential Manager of Montat Badminton Club and Olympic Torch Relay Participant

the essential Manager of the Montat badminton club for twenty years, Didier Chaubet took part in the Olympic torch relay during his visit to Toulouse.

A few days ago, a Montato sportsman well known to everyone, Didier Chaubet, had the honor of carrying the Olympic flame in Toulouse on May 17.

Creator of the Montat Zem’Bad badminton club in 2002, he has never ceased through his actions towards primary schools and parents in particular, to motivate them to practice badminton, and thus to perpetuate the club for many more years. In 2022, he handed over to Fabienne Péreira, who had been dismissed for many years.

The club is well anchored in the community. He thus participates every year in the association forum, where more than half of the licensees are from Montat. They have also obtained good results at the regional level, and a quality label was awarded to them in 2023 by the French Federation for their action in favor of young people.

A committed and deserving athlete

Due to his quality as a sportsman but above all as a leader – notably as president of the departmental badminton committee and treasurer of the Departmental Olympic Committee of Lot, it is as a worthy representative of this sport that he was chosen by the Regional League to be a Olympic torch relay. This award highlights a committed and deserving athlete for a very long time. An honor shared by the person concerned but also the club and the municipality.

2024-05-26 18:57:00
#Lotois #Didier #Chaubet #carried #Olympic #flame


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