The Comeback of Madeleine Malonga: Winning Bronze and Setting the Stage for Olympic Success

Olympic selection in April, Madeleine Malonga confirmed her comeback by winning the bronze medal in less than 78 kilos this Wednesday in Abu Dhabi. Picardy showed that she would have to be reckoned with at the Olympics.

Madeleine Malonga, what flavor does this medal have?

It has a special flavor. It’s been a tough day. It was more my head than my body that carried me. I did with my 100% for the day. In the end, I’m on the podium, that’s the best thing to remember. I hope this bodes well for the future.

In place of three, you are behind but you snatch the medal almost at the end of the clock!

I know this Korean girl, it was a tricky fight. Every time I want to engage, she turns forward. It wasn’t easy. When I take the waza-ari, I can’t get close to her. Two penalties against her and 30 seconds on the clock. She comes off the mat… These are the rules, my word…

What values ​​did you fight with today?

I’m going there with combativeness and determination. It remains a world medal. Many people would be happy to have it. I am proud and happy to have made it to the end of the day in these conditions. There are still years to go for a title.

“I’ve come a long way on paper”

You lose in the semi-final against the Italian Bellandi. What happened ?

I’m going to watch this match cold. Maybe I was under it at first but then I found the solution. The moment I told myself that I had to put a diaper back on, I took ippon!

For a little over a year, you have made quite a comeback!

Of course ! I’ve come a long way on paper. Deep down, I always believed in it. I’m so happy for that. It was very hard. I would have loved to win today. I told myself it was possible. A world medal at the end of an incredible selection is a pleasure.

What did you say to Margaux Pinot about her title? She’s your friend.

I told him congratulations. I’m happy for her. A world title is work. I always knew she was capable. Like any athlete there is the disappointment of not making the Olympics. Being here and going all the way shows his strength of character.

Morgan Maury, in Abu Dhabi

2024-05-23 05:38:49
#believed #relishes #Madeleine #Malonga #bronze #medal


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