Reclaiming Urban Spaces: Votano Park Transformed into Open-Air Gym for All

Below is a press release released by La Palestra Asd:

Reclaiming urban spaces, living them, making them accessible to everyone.

On Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May the Votano Park will be an open-air gym with many activities aimed at all types of audiences organized by the ASD APS Gym.

Saturday will see the start of the team bowls tournament, running training on the park’s open circuit, acrobatic gymnastics, calisthenics, plogging (with Legambiente Valle d’Itria Martina Franca and WWF Group “Trulli e Gravine”) , Muay Thai, training open to citizens in functional training, Judo, Hip Hop and group dancing. Not only sport but also entertainment by the Circolo Culturale S. Allende-l’Arcallegra and the end-of-year awards ceremony for the judo athletes.

Activities organized by the Martina Franca 1 Scout Group and Elderly in Movement are planned for Sunday 26th. In the afternoon, starting at 5pm, it will be the turn of the under 15 and under 17 basketball tournaments which will see the participation of New Basket Martina, Polisportiva Basket Martina and Scuola Basket Martinese.

All proceeds from the days will be donated to the 4INZU Volunteer Organization for the creation of facilities for orphaned children in Burundi.

The event takes place in collaboration with the Municipality of Martina Franca, the Polisportiva Arci Martina, Arci Servizi Civile Martina Franca APS, Uisp Valle d’Itria APS, Nota Bene APS, Circolo Culturale S. Allende-l’Arcallegra, SerMartina, Committee for the Protection of the Votano Park and the Neighborhood Committee via Trento and neighboring streets and is organized as part of the Public Notice relating to the initiative “Civic Community Spaces, so-called. Play District” promoted by the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in collaboration with Sport and Health.

2024-05-23 04:55:04
#Martina #Franca #Votano #park #openair #gym


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