Promoting Inclusion Through Adapted Sports: A Successful Exhibition in Entre Ríos

The Estudiantes de Paraná Athletic Club was the scene of the first Adapted Sports exhibition in the province in which more than 400 athletes and teachers from different sports and educational institutions in the province participated.

The Minister of Human Development, Verónica Berisso, together with the Secretary General of the Interior, Mauricio Colello, and the president of the General Council of Education (CGE), Alicia Fregonese, toured the different sports stations and spoke with the protagonists. They were accompanied by the director of Adapted Sports, Roxana Villagra; the General Director of Social and Educational Sports, Ricardo Lupi; the coordinator of Sports Educational Practice, Yohana Fucks; and the coordinator of Seniors, Silvina Williezco.

The proposal was born from the Adapted Sports Directorate of the Sports Secretariat of the Ministry of Human Development and through interministerial, intersectoral and transversal work with the Provincial Institute of Disability, with the direction of Special Schools (CGE), the coordination of the teaching staff of Physical Education (CGE), the Directorate of Canteens of the Ministry of Human Development, the First Level of Care of the Ministry of Health and the Honorable Deliberative Council of Paraná.

All these areas of government plan actions aimed at people with disabilities, as well as towards the province’s leaders who fulfill functions related to sports and disabilities.

Minister Berisso said: “It is a priority for our management to promote and strengthen sports practice throughout the province. We consider sport a fundamental and necessary tool for the individual and collective development of all people.”

For his part, Colello said: “Sport equalizes conditions and generates inclusive bonds, and that is why it is essential that more and more people from Entre Ríos turn to sports practices. In addition, it promotes camaraderie, friendship and integration. We must commit ourselves with these principles and attitudes in order to ensure that the social integration and educational inclusion of athletes with disabilities is a concrete reality,” he added.

“This day represents the first exhibition of adapted sports in Entre Ríos. For us it is crucial to promote inclusion through adapted sports, not only for the personal development of students but also for the benefit of the entire educational community,” highlighted the president. of the CGE, Alicia Fregonese.

Roxana Villagra highlighted the importance of such activities in the search for equal opportunities: “Entre Ríos is a province that is committed to inclusion and generating spaces for these initiatives. Our efforts are made so that we can all be participants in equal opportunities” .

“It was a day full of joy. Everyone was happy to share various sports, organized in sports. There were almost 400 children, young people and adults with disabilities from public and private schools,” noted the director of special education of the CGE, Alexia Mors.

After the opening, the sports activities began simultaneously and in this way the attending public had the opportunity to observe, participate and consult. The sports that were worked on were adapted basketball, wheelchair basketball, swimming, athletics (shot put, running, long jump), boccia, soccer, badminton and taekwondo. In addition, there were different prevention, promotion and information stands from the areas of the State participating in the organization.

At the closing, each athlete received a reminder for their participation, a mention was made of outstanding athletes and a recognition was given to the Estudiantes Club in gratitude for providing the facilities to the provincial state.

Participated in the meeting: Municipal School of Concepción of Uruguay, Chapuzón (Paraná), School of Athletics (Paraná), Municipal School of Los Charrúa, Friendly School of the Club Talleres (Paraná), Inclusive Football of the Club Patronage (Paraná), Sports School of Gualeguay, General Campos Municipal School, Cerrito Municipal School, Badminton School (Paraná), Villa Elisa Sports School. Private School of Comprehensive Education N°30 ASPASID (Paraná), EPEI N°19 Our Lady of Divine Providence (Paraná), Special School N°5 “Dr. Martin Ruiz Moreno” (Paraná), EEI N°3 “Carolina Tobar García” (Paraná), School of Comprehensive Education No. 1 Zulema Embon (Paraná), School of Comprehensive Education No. 1 “Helen Keller” (Paraná), Private School of Comprehensive Education No. 9 “San Francisco de Asís”(Paraná ), EPEI No. 10 “Melvin Jones” (Paraná), EEI No. 31 “Portals of Love” (Cerrito), EEI No. 27 ” Antonia Moreyra” (Tabossi), Comprehensive School No. 20 “Lujan Jaime” (Hasenkamp ), Private school of comprehensive education No. 16″Steps to the future” (Viale), EEI No. 17 Ana Cumar de Rico (Maria Grande) and Blue TEA Group (Paraná).


In addition, there were the deputy Bruno Sarubi; the Secretary of Social Management, Pablo Omarini; the Secretary of Care Policies, Ayelén Acosta; the director of Women, Joaquina Brondi; the directors of Comedores, Lautaro Azzalini; from the Provincial Disability Institute (Iprodi), Diego Vélez; of Youth and Children, Facundo Suárez; the director of Special Education of the CGE, Alexia Mors; the director of Physical Education (CGE), Belén Nesa; the councilor for Paraná, Rosana Toso; and the president of the Students Club, Emilio Fouces, among other authorities.

2024-05-22 19:06:01
#exhibition #Adapted #Sports #held #Paraná #News


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