Controversy Over Halving of Points in Belgian League Title Race

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 – 3:00 PM I by Editorial Staff

If Club Brugge takes the title, it is not deserved, not based on the score. If you now look at the full score, Union has won three times more than Blue-Black this season and lost once less.

Nevertheless, Union will not become champions unless it wins against Genk on the final match day and Club Brugge loses to Cercle Brugge. This is of course due to the halving of the points, which allowed Club to sneak a lot closer.

Of course it is what it is, these are the rules of the game that were agreed in advance. However, if you look at the position this way, it still raises questions. In any case, there is already a lot of criticism about the halving of points and it may also be overhauled.

2024-05-22 21:10:00
#unfair #title #Club #Brugge #View #real #score #Football24


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