O Intern and Gaules: Brazilian Team Owners Take Center Stage in Kings World Cup Competition

‘O Intern’ and ‘Gaules’, owners of Furia and G3X respectively, are the possible collectors of the Brazilian teams in the competition taking place in Mexico City

By André Avelar
| May 26, 2024, 5:49 pm

Falcão, The Intern, Reproduction/Instagram/@Furia.Football

Brazilian football folklore knows that ‘penalty is something so important that the club president should take it’. A Kings World Cupa 7-a-side football tournament created by former player Gerard Piqué and which takes place in Mexico City, takes the phrase seriously.

Wardrobe, scout and coach of Botafogo in the first half of the last century, Neném Prancha, the Football Philosopher, nicknamed by journalist Armando Nogueira, would be pleased to see his idea applied in practice.

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Among the Brazilian teams, Allan Rodrigues, O Intern, and Alexandre Borba Chiqueta, Gaules, are the presidents of Furia and G3X. They are given the opportunity to kick a penalty that could decide the society football match, on synthetic grass, with amateur players and a former guest player.

“These are rules that don’t create a very cool dynamic for the match, so that the game doesn’t remain idle, the game stops and so on. Then you have the shoot out, the penalty, an expulsion of a specific player, the star card, the joker, so there are several cards that change the game a lot and I’m sure they will be very well used too”, said O Estagiário, from Furia, which also counts former futsal player Falcão among its directors.

Gaules, from G3X, admitted that he is less familiar with football. The streamer said he was forced to practice penalties so his team wouldn’t be harmed.

“They made me go to training to see if I could take a penalty, because if in professional football, where athletes train every day, they still say that ‘penalties are a lottery’, what I did was pray every night that everything goes well”, said Gaules.

The penalty taken by the president is part of one of the cards drawn before each 20-20 minute match. In addition to this opportunity, a double goal for two minutes, expulsion of an opponent, stealing the opponent’s card or the joker are other options on the Kings League menu with an eye on attracting the young audience.

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2024-05-26 20:49:19
#president #takes #penalty #tournament


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