Minister Israel Katz’s success in linking flamenco and terrorism in a video

The banalization of politics brought about by the networks is also expressed in the emergence of a new species: the Graceful Ministers. We know it well in Spain, thanks to the head of Transport, Óscar Puente, but it is also native to other (even) more arid regions. In Israel, the foreign minister is Israel Katz. And if, for the position, someone expects a master of diplomacy and forms, a black belt in etiquette… they are very wrong. The penultimate occurrence of this facetious individual is to upload a video on the X network where he says that Hamas is grateful to Spain and where images of terrorists are interspersed with flamenco dancers. I guess that Minister Katz has already gone to buy the mussels and potatoes to put together the corresponding video if Belgium finally joins the recognition of the Palestinian state.

It will do for him, of course. The tragedy is that the media find it difficult to escape this perverse dynamic. Since his Spanish counterpart has replied that they will not be “daunted” – by a lurid 18-second video? – the news graces some of the newsstand covers this Monday. Therefore, the occurrence of Israel Katz has produced media results, and for free. And it is a new contribution to the noise, and to divert the focus from what matters, which are the lives massacred by a disproportionate reaction. In another tweet, he says that the Spanish vice-president is an “ignorant person full of hate” whom he sends to learn “about 700 years of Islamic rule in Al-Andalus, today’s Spain”. Well, the Andalusian legacy brought the transmission of classical texts, advances in medicine or mathematics and good textile techniques, for example. I have no sympathy for this or any other religion – beliefs are another matter – but to discredit an entire culture while lecturing on hatred smacks of racism.

2024-05-27 11:39:23
#Minister #Israel #Katzs #success #linking #flamenco #terrorism #video


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