III International Walking Football Congress: Event to Include Tournament with 9 Teams on Saturday

Event takes place on Saturday and also includes a tournament with 9 teams

• Photo: From

The Walking Football Portugal Association (WFP) and RUTIS (Association Network of Universities for the Elderly) are holding this Saturday, in Guimarães, the III International Walking Football Congress, an event that includes a Walking Football tournament with 9 teams.

Among others, Alan Rose, president of the International Walking Football Federation, former midfielder Tarantini, PhD in Sports Sciences and Tiago Sá Carneiro, representing the Porto Metropolitan Area, are present.

At the congress, the first data from the largest study carried out in Portugal on Walking Football players will be presented (212 athletes from the continent and islands participated), which indicate that 31% of the athletes had not previously practiced sport; 98% of athletes feel refreshed after playing; 82% feel completely satisfied playing and 17% feel very satisfied. The first data comes as part of a master’s degree in Gerontology carried out by João Costa, from the University of Lisbon, on WF in Portugal.

Currently, the WFP has 86 registered teams, 972 athletes and more than 45 tournaments organized since 2018, with an average age of 69 years old and 35% women, in this type of football where you can’t run, just walk, the ball can’t it can rise more than 1 meter in height and there is no goalkeeper.

By Record
2024-05-09 07:00:00
#Walking #Football #congress #Guimarães #presents #study #confirms #athlete #satisfaction #Football


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