Reconstruction Efforts Continue One Year After Flood: Sports Clubs to Receive Funding

One year after the flood, it is still time for reconstruction. The discussion on movable assets has reignited in recent days, but part of the available funds will certainly be allocated to the sports clubs damaged last May. This was made known by the commissioner structure led by General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo: six million euros, in fact, will be used “for projects of absolute social interest and places of aggregation”, or for “public sports infrastructures damaged by flood events. These resources, coming from donations from various organizations and private individuals, are additional to the resources already allocated by the Ministry of Sport and Youth”.

In fact, these are donations entirely coming from liberal donations. The beneficiary municipalities are those of Bologna, Forlì, Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini. The facilities include sports halls, swimming pools, gyms, football fields, athletics tracks with amounts varying from 5 thousand euros to over 900 thousand euros for the most important entities. It will now be the task of the commissioner structure to prepare the methods with which the interested municipalities will be able to benefit from the available funds.

2024-05-22 15:21:18
#million #euros #fix #sports #facilities #damaged #flood


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