Hellas Verona-Inter (2-2) – Scattered Considerations

Hellas and Inter fight, have fun and bring the curtain down on an extraordinary season for both.

It was supposed to be the first summer friendly for both teams, the equivalent of when the teacher brought pizza and Coca Cola on the last day of school before the holidays. And instead Hellas Verona-Inter is a hard-fought match and high intensity, full of goals, good plays and lots and lots of competitive spirit. They must have been the waste of the first leg that ended in such a daring way (as we were constantly reminded the exaggerated whistles to Federico Dimarco), the desire to show off of many players who for one reason or another will experience a summer full of events or simply the desire of the two teams to win, the fact is that Inzaghi and Baroni give us the best match of the last day of the Championship, the right way to celebrate an extraordinary season for both teams.

Verona takes to the field with the determination whose salvation is at stake and the bravado of those who celebrate it in a surprising and deserved way. Barons cages well Inter’s low possession with great efficiency in recovering the ball and with at times suffocating pressing. The combinations between Serdar, Lazovic, Suslov and Noslin then manage to express a quality that at times it has nothing to envy to that of the opposing midfield and allow the home team to overcome the initial deficit in a fully deserved way. The last 15 minutes of the first half are played by a team in a competitive trance that expresses itself a rare and undisputed superiority.

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Inter, for their part, started equally well, driven by the desire of those players who were aware of having to take advantage of the opportunity to earn confirmation in the Italian champion team. But after Arnautovic’s first goal it stands out above all tiredness of a team that is taken aback by the Verona’s competitive enthusiasm. The defence, already on a (deserved) holiday for more than a month, suffers from a practically new composition which does not help to maintain concentration and distances while the pressure from the rossoblù midfielders prevents the ball from coming out cleanly. The Austrian and Thuram are forced to a connection and bank work unexpected on which they try to embroider precious elements and first touches together with Barella’s creativity. Arnautovic’s equalizer at the end of the first half allows Inzaghi to put the match back on the right track, at least for the moment.

In the second half the intensity drops but not the enthusiasm of Verona. Between one occasion and another, the Hellas celebration continues by showcasing the parades of the Perilli reserve (today in the “this goalkeeper always saves everything against us”) and the performances of Suslov and Noslin: the former Groningen player scores, creates, dribbles and adds efficiency to the quality in containing the direction of Calhanoglu as a midfielder of other times; Noslin, on the other hand, collects a goal and an assist but above all he confirms himself flexible playercapable of acting as a central reference but also of varying across the entire attack front, from perspectives (including tactics) to the moment difficult to predict. But the draw against the league leaders is above all the right tribute to the work of what was probably the best coach on the right side of the table, that is Marco Baronithe true architect of La Scala’s salvation.

-For Inter instead the last 45 minutes of the season are a catwalk for the co-protagonists of the Scudetto. He makes his debut with merit By Gennaro and there is also space for greetings from Sanchez and Cuadrado. Bad luck at the end denies Frattesi a well-deserved goal at the end of a match in which he performed well and performed well important indications from a European perspective while Calhanoglu remains (or is forced to do so) in the shadows. Speaking of goodbyes, 9 of the last 10 goals scored by Inter in the final match of the season they arrived from players who then said goodbye in the following transfer market. Which is an ominous sign for Marko Arnautovic? Certainly his first Nerazzurri brace which came just when he matters least perfectly seals an unfortunate and temporary season. Perhaps only the European Championship remains to convince the Nerazzurri people to really deserve a place in Inzaghi’s team.

2024-05-26 21:03:18
#Hellas #VeronaInter #Scattered #Considerations


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