Family Held at Gunpoint and Robbed in Villa Robbery: Investigation Underway

They surprise the owners of the house at the entrance, upon their return: weapons in hand the criminals are accompanied inside the house. He robs a villa in the Pittolo area.

Husband, wife and daughter were about to return home after an evening when they were blocked by a group of armed men with distorted faces.

The gang forced the family into the house at gunpoint. Once inside they had the keys to the safe handed over to them and then locked the three unfortunates in a room.

At that point the bandits roamed the house undisturbed collecting money and precious objects. Then they fled. When the family managed to free themselves they called for help. The Carabinieri intervened on site and started investigations into the case.

Investigations also aimed at ascertaining any connections with other similar robberies that have recently occurred in the Piacenza area. The owner’s wife and daughter were taken to the emergency room due to severe shock.

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2024-05-26 20:21:31
#robbery #villa


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