Guarulhos Rhynos Advance to Semi-Finals in São Paulo Football League with Dramatic Victory

Photo: Disclosure/PMG – ADVERTISING –

A historic and exciting Sunday in Guarulhos sport. In the last play, Guarulhos Rhynos scored a field goal (a shot between the posts worth three points) and beat Rio Preto Weilers in the city of Taubaté, 10-7, in the São Paulo Football League. With the result, the Guarulhenes qualified for the semi-finals of the American football competition.

Rhynos’ victory strengthened the Guarulhos squad for the next challenges within the tournament. “The big point was to establish ourselves as a strong candidate for the title. We were playing well in the competition, but beating an opponent of this level gives us that conviction. We haven’t won anything yet, but the focus is on preparing for the playoffs. We will use this break in games to make all adjustments and recover injured athletes”, said Antônio Fabião, team coach.

The city’s team will have three weeks before the semi-final, on June 16th, in a single match. The opponent has yet to be defined.

2024-05-20 14:00:29
#Guarulhos #Rhynos #advances #semifinals #São #Paulo #Football #League


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