Gran Canaria and Real Betis Baloncesto Shine in Spanish Cadet Championship Semi-Finals

Gran Canaria and Real Betis Baloncesto are the two great animators of this Spanish Cadet Championship of San Fernando and Cádiz. The two teams are already in the semis after defeating Cajasiete Canarias and Valencia Basket respectively. The next step will be to face the two favorites: Barça and Real Madrid.


GRAN CANARIA – UNICAJA ANDALUCÍA 99-90 | MVP: Mervedi Miteo: 52 val

One of the great matches of the tournament, due to the equality on the scoreboard, due to the offensive talent of the two teams and due to the competitiveness of some players who have made the Bahía Sur spectators enjoy themselves. The superiority in rebounding (up to 22 offensive catches) and the physical power of Mervedi Miteo was key compared to the quality of Daniel Sierra and Eloy Suárez.

YOUTH BADALONA – BARÇA 60-75 | MVP: Mohamed Keita: 27 points
The Catalan derby remained on the Blaugrana side, more powerful in its interior game and after doubling the number of rebounds of its rival. The green and black team showed character to not give up the game early, with Pau Bermejo who has proven to be a great project for the future, but Mohamed Keita’s 20 points and 18 rebounds were key.

5+11 FOUNDATION – REAL MADRID 55-72 | MVP: Abraham Bol: 34 val
Real Madrid was overwhelmed in the first half of the match by a 5+11 Foundation entrusted to Abraham Bol, a differential player who had 19 points and 15 rebounds. At halftime the Vitorians left with a +8 that they could not hold on to in the third quarter. Real Madrid’s greater bench depth led to the comeback, led by Mahamadou Landoure and Andrej Bjelic.

VALENCIA BASKET – REAL BETIS BASKETBALL 72-77 | MVP: Mathias Vazquez: 28 val
The last match of the day was spectacular, with Valencia Basket controlling the scoreboard for 35 minutes thanks to the talent of players like Marc Grau and Víctor Iglesias. But Real Betis Baloncesto is proving to be a very serious team, and the 12-25 partial in the last quarter served to turn the score around, with Mathias Vazquez as the great hero.

2024-05-23 21:16:35
#QUARTERS #Barça #Real #Madrid #guests #merit #semifinals


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