Missed Opportunities: Asya Tavano’s Journey at the Judo World Championships

Fifth place for Asya Tavano. Bitter, because ai judo world championships in Abu Dhabi the blue staff was already anticipating the podium. An error swept away the dream of a medal in the +78 kg competition. “A naive mistake in the semi-final, on a basic position that Asya knows well, compromised her chance of competing for a world title that was absolutely within her reach – is the comment of Francesco Bruyere –. Unfortunately, due to the type of judo, the final for the bronze with the Korean was more complicated than the one for the gold and what’s more we made mistakes that could certainly have been avoided. I am sure that Asya can beat anyone and that she will soon be the strongest in the world.”

Asya Tavano’s journey to the Judo World Championship

In the final for third place, the initial brilliance with which Tavano had placed two Lithuanian wazari was lost Sandra Jablonskyte, with maki komi the first and immobilization the second. Then he put the Tunisian girl out Sarra Mzougui causing her to take three penalties, and then placed ashi guruma wazari and ippon with immobilization on the Dutchman Karen Stevenson. The semi-final with the Turkish team Kayra Özdemir it was handled very well and the impression was that everything was under the control of the Friulian athlete, when one minute from the end an attack by Ozdemir with soto maki komi found a gap in Asya’s defense. That was enough and the wazari arrived, then corrected to ippon. The final for third place with the South Korean Come on Kim it was decided by the wazari of maki komi and Asya acknowledged: “I made mistakes and now I pay the consequences. There is still time to work and correct before the Olympics. I stay focused and don’t give up.”

Pirelli beaten by Fara

The World Cup was unlucky Gennaro Pirellicalled to play the first match of the fifth day in the 100 kg with the Austrian Aaron Fara, on the first action he received a penalty for exiting then promptly regained control of the match by scoring wazari with ippon seoi nage. A little later however, Pirelli’s ko uchi gari attempt went in the same direction as Fara’s yoko gake attack: ippon.

Bruyere: “We could have won more medals”

“One gold, two silvers, one fifth and two seventh places are an important haul in a world championship with 9 athletes competing – continues Bruyere –. It’s right to celebrate the result, but I’m convinced we could have achieved more. It’s not presumption if I say that we could have won a medal in all categories, it’s just awareness of the strength and incredible potential of our athletes. Tomorrow we will face the team race with determination and then it will be time to rest, to reconcile with loved ones and to recover energy to best prepare for the event we have been working for for 3 years, we must be proud of this great team”.

2024-05-23 18:41:08
#Judo #World #Championships #Asya #Tavano #disappointed #naive #mistake #Bruyere #strongest #world


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