FPF 110th Anniversary Celebration Program: Football Talks + Extra Time “Sport for All” Event Draws Diverse Personalities

Event of the FPF 110th anniversary celebration program was attended by several personalities

• Photo: FPF

The Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) welcomed this Thursday the Football Talks + Extra Time “Sport for All” in the City of Football. The event is part of the FPF’s 110th anniversary celebration program (March 31) and was opened by President Fernando Gomes as well as the participation of several personalities linked to the world of sport.

Football Talks started in the early afternoon with a speech by Fernando Gomes, the president of the FPF, who showed pride in the work he has developed with the Federation over the years. “Sport for all is a goal of any sports federation and one that the FPF assumed from the first hour this department took office. It is reflected in the strategic plan that we launched in April 2022, through inclusive and educational programs that aim to take sport to a greater number of people and of all ages”, explained the federative leader, giving context to the event: “Sport for all is, therefore, a motto that inspires us and justifies the conversation, debate and reflection that brings us together on this day , to us sportsmen, but also personalities from civil society”.

The FPF president also explained the reason for holding the event. “Sport for everyone with fair-play and sportsmanship. We wanted to celebrate this at the moment we celebrate the 110th anniversary of the FPF”, said Fernando Gomes, who also thanked the men’s and women’s football clubs that competed in the semi-finals of the Cup of Portugal and joined the initiative to reinforce this spirit in football: “Together we made this moment a moment of inspiration and hope”.

After the initial speech, the panel followed Social Footprint of Sportby Raquel Vaz Pinto, researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she explained the concepts that, according to her, constitute precisely the social footprint of sport.

Subsequently, the first round table was held on this same topic, which included the participation of Jorge Olímpio Bento (Retired Full Professor at FADEUP), Nuno Frazão (founder and CEO of Social Innovation Sports) and the president of the Portuguese Olympic Committee , José Manuel Constantino, who highlighted the importance of football in society. “Is it society that influences sport more or the other way around? Perhaps the answer goes both ways. But football has an impact that cannot be found anywhere else. In any part of the planet we find the presence and trace of the practice of football. a common language that cuts across all societies. Seeing a Sporting player hugging a Benfica player or an FC Porto athlete hugging another Benfica or Sporting player is a sign of hope”, explained Constantino.

After the social footprint of sport came Longevity Economy, an Opportunity for Sport, panel by Ana João Sepúlveda, specialist in the field, who presented this modern concept of society. “The longevity economy was created to create a way of thinking so that we can live longer”, highlighted the expert.

Then followed the second round table on the topic of Ana João Sepúlveda, which included Amadeu Portilha (President of Tempo Livre Guimarães), Mauro Fernandes (President of Clube Desportivo Xico Andebol), Rui Mourinho (President of Clube do Povo de Esgueira ) and Francisco Caneira Madelino (President of INATEL), who ended his moment with an appeal to the Fernando Gomes Federation: “May the FPF continue to play this role of making Portugal great abroad”.

To end the event, Andreia Santos, Janice Silva, Miguel Monteiro and Tomás Appleton participated in the round table The elite athlete as inspiration.

Andreia Santos, Olympic athlete, was the first to speak, opening the curtain a little on the current situation of national athletics: “Athletics in Portugal does not allow us to live on that alone. We have to combine it with other activities, without ever giving up on that dream.”

Janice Silva, Portuguese futsal international, explained that athletes should not take their position in sport for granted: “Futsal doesn’t last forever, we always have to be in the background.”

Miguel Monteiro, Paralympic athlete, explained the situation in his sporting area: “In terms of support, we are much better than we have been for some time, but we are not following up with the recruitment of new talents”.

And finally, Tomás Appleton, captain of the national rugby team, distinguished the strength of highly competitive athletes: “One of the things we have is sport that shapes us a lot as people, when we have goals we go to the end”.

Autor: F.S.

2024-04-04 07:00:00
#Fernando #Gomes #applauds #Football #Talks #Sport #goal #federation #Football


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